Two Different Cycle Options, Discuss

[quote]n0xious wrote:
Thanks for all your replies!

Someone have been helpfull, someone have not!

And for those who are critizing my grammar thats ok, im not from the US or any other english speaking country.

The theories ive posted aint mine, but i admit that i think they sounded pretty good at first. If i stood by them 100% i wouldnt have posted this in here just to be called stupid and such, i would have just run the cycles and seen what happened.


Well, if English isn’t your language, I guess I appologize.

Next time, please include that at the beginning of your first post so you don’t sound like an autistic first grade monkey.

[quote]n0xious wrote:

The theories ive posted aint mine, but i admit that i think they sounded pretty good at first. If i stood by them 100% i wouldnt have posted this in here just to be called stupid and such, i would have just run the cycles and seen what happened.

Maybe so - but you need to realise that before you go trying to design or run AAS cycles that produces results that 1) do not diminish over time and 2) still give good results (which is actually impossible even with all of today’s technology, medicine and knowledge) you should learn what is an effective dose - there are some very simple guidelines to cycling steroids effectively that need to be the basis of your knowledge of running the drugs.

The basic fundamental principles that you apparently need to brush up on are using enough AAS to illicit an effect, with a long enough period to see results. In some cases this can be indirectly proportionate but for now i would suggest just using more drugs!

I generally would think though, that if someone was so hesitant to use steroids that they want to use such a crap dose for such a short time, that they probably shouldn’t at all. If you don’t really want to do it - then don’t! There is nothing that those cycles will give you that you cannot get on your own i would expect - unless you are AT the absolute pinnacle of your development and an extra 100mg of serum Test’rone would just add 5 more feet to the 10,000ft mountain…
I think not :wink:

A minute dose like 20mg Tbol MAY (i really do not know or care that much) give results, but as someone mentioned - over an extended period.
The 2 week cycle plans work but not with piddly-arse dosages like that! You are better off using a LARGE dose for a short period. The reason is because you benefit from high levels without TOTAL suppression… however it is also not a protocol that says you avoid all suppression - you do not.

The (let me see if i get this the right way around - i always forget this one…) Testes stop producing Testosterone - or at least as much of it within days of introducing exogenous androgens to the system, but the Hypothalamus is only suppressed after approximately 3 weeks - which is what the 2 week runs are designed to avoid.
It is still absolutely necessary to run SERM’s during the off periods however and in the original 2/4 protocol the middle two weeks were used as a kind of bridge IIRC.

If you want to learn about the 2week cycles benefits and how to use it then look it up on

I see the idea of mixing 2 protocols together to get something ‘better’ but in this case, all that did was take away the one factor that made each protocol effective in the first place! With the 2/2 plans the high dose is removed, making it useless and with the low dose format, the extended time on is removed making that useless!

Trust me, you should keep it simple - there IS room to be forward thinking and cutting-edge in this shit, but not before you can walk (let alone run). As you thouight that thios could work in the first place shows that this is not the case yet. However i personally think that showing this kind of creative thinking means that when the knowledge is there - you may find that you can come up with very good ideas etc.

As i was once advised, don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Some things are done for very specific reasons.

IMO you need to accept that when you use AAS you WILL inhibit your own system to a degree, that is kinda accepted if you intend to use.

Thanks Brook :slight_smile:

Good post!

[quote]n0xious wrote:
Thanks Brook :slight_smile:

Good post!


Thankyou mate - glad it was received so well.

Good for you :slight_smile:

There was a chap on uk-muscle board, he did 2on2off for 1 year, using dbol 5-10mg per day. If you want to cycle like this, you have commit 100% to your training and diet. Otherwise, it will be 2 steps forward, and 2 steps backward.

IMO, most people are just too lazy to follow the strict bodybuilding lifestyle. I would always recommend some professional help first, AAS only for supplementation. Hire some respectable guy (Dave Plumbo for instance), do some online consultation, come up with a good food/training plan. You would make far more progress than 20mg of OT. just my 2c.