Twerking My Routine

Haha it had to be said. Then we had beginners reading all their stuff and arguing with people who had trained for decades. Good times.

This is why I refuse to take any supplements at all. I don’t even supplement with protein powder. I make shakes with pasteurized egg whites, greek yogurt and fresh fruit. For lunch deli meat and cheese on wheat bread sandwiches usually 2. And a chicken breast with various sides, like wheat pasta etc.

that is so funny because I thought the exact same thing! Haha

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Refusing to use a protein but eating deli meats seems kinda silly to me honestly. But that might just be me.

What’s wrong with that. I simply think powder is a waste of money. You can get plenty from food. I don’t see anything along with some cold cut turkey or chicken

I just see both of them as processed protein in my mind.

I get tons of protein from food, but I try my best to avoid processed meats these days just out of concern for my health. When I go for processed protein, I pick powder over processed meat in most cases.

That said, I am a sucker for breakfast meat.

Like I said, it’s most likely just me, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Surely your Joking…LOL

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It’s definitely not a health thing. I coat my lungs every day with chemicals I breath in at work cleaning cars.

And unless you want to spend that extra money for organic, your getting some genetically modified crap.

I try to eat as healthy as possible but I don’t obsess over it.

Yeah, that’s the plan going forward. Gonna try to get half a cow at my next location, and sponsor a few hunters to get me some venison.

I’d do the hunting myself, but I haven’t shot a rifle since I was 12, and I feel like I have a moral responsibility to give the animal a quick clean death rather than wing it 14 times before smashing it’s head in with a rock.

Besides, without GMOs, we wouldn’t have peas on the cob.


Now that you mention it I suppose they must have preservatives in deli meats.

My other go to is peanut butter and jelly :slight_smile:

Didn’t read the latter half of this thread, but I gather you just want some workable ideas to screw around with and progress toward building your own system that works for you. Really nothing wrong with that, but not sure trying to procure help on a forum like this is going to be fruitful. The more experienced and well-read you are, the better your end product is likely to be, and that just takes time.

An idea I’ll offer, which you hinted at, is to simply undulate your reps through the week. I’d do it in a little bit more of a planned/systematized way. Something like

  1. 5x5
  2. 4x8
  3. 3x12

And over time I’d look to add volume to this, so

  1. 7x5
  2. 6x8
  3. 5x12

Then taper down for a couple weeks, hit some big lifts, and start the process up again with a little more initial volume. Eventually, the frequency might have to go up a little, but this could be years down the road, or maybe never. Those sets/reps are just examples. You can always tinker and be creative; I’d just try to make small changes here and there instead of wholesale changes at any one time, so you get some sense of what works and what doesn’t.

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Thank you very much ramo that’s exactly what I was looking for and that’s a really good idea. I think I’m going to do that!

So still brainstorming on the routine. Here’s what I have now. Could be totally retarded or genius I don’t know but I’m getting psyched to try it out. The exercise choice is a little random but I think you’ll get the idea. Theyre basically my favorite compound exercises. Like i said still working on it, and of course it needs to be field tested. It cycles a few exercises similar to other programs like strong lifts but on a weekly bases instead of daily.

The goal is to find my idea of gaining the perfect balance of both strength AND muscle. Other programs tend to lean towards one or the other. I k own everyone has a different opinion but I believe lifting heavier yields a different Asthetic look. The bodybuilder look vs the power lifter. I want that steve reeves Asthetic look but still lift heavy.

Monday - Medium 4x8
Wednesday - Light 3x12
Friday - Heavy 5x5

Week A

Back Squats
Bench Press
Overhead Press
Bicep Curls

Week B

Front Squats
Overhead Press
Bicep Curls

One change I’m considering is back squats for b, so I’m not hitting my lower back with 2 exercises. Front Squats tend to be upper back, Back Squats tend to stress lower back for me.

Or maybe I should pair them together. So you have front squats hitting your traps, then Pullups hitting a second time. Then back squats and rows both hitting lower. I’ll have to see if my back is junk by the end of the week

I see what you’re trying to do with this, but I don’t think the A/B week structure is the best way to go about it. I actually liked your initial idea of doing the same lifts every day. People dramatically overvalue exercise variety; if you find lifts that work for you and don’t beat your joints up too bad, just repeating them frequently and hitting those motor units again and again and again is going to make you big and strong.

If you want the variety, I’d much rather see it session-to-session than week to week. A smart way to do it would be to have an A session and a B session, which could be the 2 days you have down there, and then just rotate through the set/rep schemes for each.

So week 1:
Squat, Bench, Row…5x5
Front Squat, Dip, Pullup…3x12
Squat, Bench, Row …4x8

week 2:
Front Squat, Dip, Pullup…5x5
Squat, Bench, Row…3x12
Front Squat, Dip, Pullup …4x8

As long as you look to increase volume over the long term, and make little tweaks to keep progress going, a simple design like that can work for a very long time.

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That’s awesome input thanks! I tend to agree about the variety. Maybe I can switch it up every few months instead. It seems to be mostly personal preference. I think some people just get bored of the same thing.

I think in terms ofor maximum weight Progression keeping the same exercises would be best

Um Wasnt aware 5/3/1 was a sexy program…pretty simple at its core.

I think your shoulders are going to have a bad time with how much pressing you are doing compared to pulling. I think you’d have better luck reversing the ratio you have, and include 2 pulling movements for every push. Most folks need more back work.

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Thats why you need to actually educate yourself as much as possible without over complicating it…Experiment and see what works for you develop your own base training principles stick with them.Over time you will develop a Bull shit Meter.

I tend to use the K.I.S.S principle Keep .It .Simple Stupid. Most people just want to over complicate the stuff and overthink it.

You missed “hybrid of Kai Greene’s Mr. O routine and…” before the 5/3/1 part…

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Yep your right… Im a freaking idiot whom needs too brush up on his reading comprehension .:blush:

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