Twenty by 40 by 2020 - Journey Back to Where I Was 20 Years Ago

Another travel day… Got it 400 swings before headed to the airport. On days where time crunched, I just bang out sets of these while doing emails and having coffee in the morning. Will likely do something when I get to Minneapolis as well, depending on schedule.

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These are with a 55# KB and sets of 50.

That wasn’t on T Nation. Can’t link it, but it’s in the “Ten Secrets of Shoulder Training” on Thib’s Blog.


Second session at hotel:

6x500 m row with 2’ rest after each. First 5 rounds at 1’40"-1’44". Last one at 1’33"

Then some arms

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Still on road - workout in room: 200 burpees in sets of 10. Hmm. That sucked.

So in reading other logs, I have decided to step a few things up:

  1. Diet - my diet isn’t terrible, just too much booze and not enough protein. Going to start by having a small shake every morning (20-30g) and every afternoon. In looking at my meals, I’ve only been getting about 150g per day at most.
  2. Extra work - going to do a little work every morning in the form of strict burpees. Adding 1-2 per day till I get to 150. This does a few things: helps me get some upper body pushing without hurting shoulder, and a little extra total volume, and helps the cardio
  3. Accessories - at least 2x a week hitting arms and shoulders

Will post some pics sometime soon.

AM: 30 burpees

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I might, might throw in some burpees for you today. I think I can do those without affecting my hip/back too much. We’ll see. I’m thinking of doing some Tabata style training for cardio today.

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Warmup: mobility, aerdyne

  1. Squat: warmup - about 20 reps 135-225; 3x5 at 265-295-325 (9 reps a Rep PR)
  2. Push press - 10 reps to a heavy single - 235. Not near a Max but heaviest since last shoulder dislocation
  3. Metcon with partner:
  • 15 min AMRAP: 14 squat clean at 155; 100 foot OH carry w 53# KB
    7 rounds + 6 cleans. I did 60 of the 90 cleans.

Good session. Legs smoked.

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AM - 31 burpees upon waking - really like how it feels to get moving first thing before walking out the door. 31 burpees feels about like a half mile walk/jog.

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Are you doing 31 straight or breaking that into sets?

Sets of 12-10-9

31 in a row would be tough. I did 100 in 7 mins a few weeks ago and thought I was going to die.

Just making sure I’m not a complete wimp by comparison!

Burpees are just brutal. I missed my workout window, so may be all I end up getting in today!

Didn’t get to gym today - meetings got out of hand. Just did 300 swings at home. 55# kb

33 burpees at wake up

PM just did gym Crossfit workout

  1. Mobility and face pulls and hang from bar
  2. Squats 5 at 45-135-165 then 50 at 195 over 2’56"
    Rest 5 mins
  3. Met Con: 10 min AMRAP of
  • 8x GHD sit-ups
  • 8x 35# KB thrusters
  • 12x 35# KB walking lunges
    6 rounds + 8 GHD-8 Thrusters-6 lunges
    Thrusters and lunges were 35# in each hand
    Rest 5 mins
  1. Jog 1 mile

Good little workout. Pleased with squats.

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  1. 34 burpees
  2. Snatch and clean tech work. Didn’t go past 80% - probably 6-8 working reps at 155 and 225 respectively
  3. Deadlift 3x5 at 325-375-425 - these felt heavy today and realized after that I was supposed to be at 415 vs 425
  4. Paused deadlift holds 2x10s at 1" off floor, 2x10s at knee, 2x10s at hip

Everything felt slow and heavy today. Might have been the too many drinks and 1 AM bedtime last night (up late catching up with brother in law in town). I always like getting through a workout when feeling less than 100%.

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Everything feeling beat up today - so took day off completely.

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Rest and recovery is when the growth occurs. I just walked today. Didn’t even break a sweat.

No time, so just did the CrossFit workout strength workout today, which was pretty silly.

  1. Warm-up - Double unders, job, aerdyne
  2. Super-Set
    A. Front Squat 8x8 at weights between 135 and 185 (4 sets at 185)
    B. Walking Lunge 8x8 with 2x35# dumbbells
  3. 35 Burpees