Turning 18, Trying a Small Oral Cycle

Im 17 Turn 18 in june and wanna try a small oral cycle.
Have u ever seen that 19y\o kid claiming AAS saved hes life
if u havent check it out he took 10mg winstrol a day and apparently hes health is fine

i do mostly cardio High Rep exercises diets pretty good ill post my meals after

is it possible for me to do this cycle or any other without having bad side effects i wanna get more cut and stronger
and put lean mass on

135lbs 5’10 probly 16%bf



Post that damn fire picture ASAP!

what? fire picture

[quote]teddjones wrote:
what? fire picture[/quote]

That post was not directed to you. GB is another member of this board.

Steroids are not for teenagers. Plain and simple. This is a black and white issue.

You have horrible stats anyway. Steroids are not what you need. Learn how to eat, lift hard, and make progress for 5 years then consider drug use. I don’t want to sound like a dick but at 5’10 135lbs 16% bf, you may be the least physically ready person to post in the steroid forum in the 2+ years I have been posting. edit

How is it possible to weight 135 pounds at 5’10 and have 16% BF?

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
How is possible to weight 135 pounds at 5’10 and have 16% BF?


Something like this?

Skinny Fat!

His health was fine after 10mg a day of stanazolol? Not surprised as the dose is at least 5x LESS than the useful dose used for physique enhancement.

Your stats mean you will notice fuck all from the choice of drug - even at a higher dose.

Your age is too young to start shutting your HPTA down - especially as you probably provide more anabolic hormones than 30mg/day of winstrol would provide!

Your stats are disgusting and you need to lose fat, train hard and eat well for numerous more years before considering steroids.

Go to the beginners section - you look a fool here.

good bye.


[quote] Brook wrote:
Your stats are disgusting [/quote]


[quote]teddjones wrote:
Im 17 Turn 18 in june and wanna try a small oral cycle.
Have u ever seen that 19y\o kid claiming AAS saved hes life
if u havent check it out he took 10mg winstrol a day and apparently hes health is fine

i do mostly cardio High Rep exercises diets pretty good ill post my meals after

is it possible for me to do this cycle or any other without having bad side effects i wanna get more cut and stronger
and put lean mass on

135lbs 5’10 probly 16%bf

my honest advice, and I am open to the educated use of everything.
I do not judge as far as drug use, as every drug has a useful purpose.

if you was my kid I would slap the shit out of you,and ship you off to a farm and teach you how to be a man.

You are a fat,lazy little boy that wants results NOW without doing the WORK.

eat something,lift something.
go out and sweat and bleed a little. stop being a pussy.

get this drug shit out of your head right now your an idiot.

[quote]MaddyD wrote:
teddjones wrote:
Im 17 Turn 18 in june and wanna try a small oral cycle.
Have u ever seen that 19y\o kid claiming AAS saved hes life
if u havent check it out he took 10mg winstrol a day and apparently hes health is fine

i do mostly cardio High Rep exercises diets pretty good ill post my meals after

is it possible for me to do this cycle or any other without having bad side effects i wanna get more cut and stronger
and put lean mass on

135lbs 5’10 probly 16%bf

my honest advice, and I am open to the educated use of everything.
I do not judge as far as drug use, as every drug has a useful purpose.

if you was my kid I would slap the shit out of you,and ship you off to a farm and teach you how to be a man.

You are a fat,lazy little boy that wants results NOW without doing the WORK.

eat something,lift something.
go out and sweat and bleed a little. stop being a pussy.

get this drug shit out of your head right now your an idiot.


Haha x2

You dont need aas you need a proper diet and a proper lifting routine. If your serious about training and you want to put in the effort to eat right and train right im open to pm to give you advice.

This has to be a troll thread… but I will bite

Although I use to be this kid. But I put on a nice base* before ever considering using any type of AAS. I train and eat like its my religion. I learned more about training, rest and nutrition and still never stop asking questions about those.

To the OP master these habits first and then come ask questions about these substances. Learn patience and dedication!

*by base I mean I use to be 145lbs at 6’ and now I am 6’ and 202lbs. I am fairly lean. I hardly ever measure my body fat but I have a 4 pack all the time. This took about 4 years to get too. I made mistakes but with learning my body and learning what I can and cannot do, you see results sooner or later.

And please don’t tell me you have some kind of deficiency. Join the fucking club! Look where I got with one.