Trump: The Second Year

You mean like one of the main pushers of the birther movement being handed the nuclear codes?


Setting aside the unwarranted hyperbole (I doubt very much you can find anyone of political significance who has made such an assertion), it’s worth noting that many conservatives/Republicans (of political significance) publicly oppose Trump. This is a fact not easily dismissed.


Not to be argumentative but EyeDentist

Obama himself has made such comparisons. Of course our former president is a word smith and articulates such things with style and grace.

The masses simply parrot what they hear their favorite pundits say. If you went to a college campus and asked the students to talk about Trump it would probably take just a few short minutes before someone called him Hitler. Most these kids don’t think for themselves its coming from the top down.

Here is the quote from a Q & A session at the Economic club of Chicago:

“We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly.”

“That’s what happened in Germany in the 1930s which, despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic and centuries of high-level cultural and scientific achievements, Adolf Hitler rose to dominate.”

“Sixty million people died. So, you’ve got to pay attention. And vote.”

Of course you won’t find that in most news sources but I encourage you to fact check it. To say such things is absurd. I’ve opened my eyes now and I can’t believe what goes on. The subterfuge. Its reprehensible.

Weird. I know dozens of college kids in a liberal dominated metro personally. Never heard this uttered once

pfury. Maybe that has been your experience and I obviously can’t argue againstthat. I also must concede I am assuming my small sample size of my personal experiences is more reflective than it likely is. Basement_Gainz shared an interesting article. It is very easy to find the comparison. You almost have to willingly disregard them.

Lets disregard what I said about the college students.

Why did you only respond to comment on that. What did you think about Barrack Obama doing a little bit of fear mongering to rally the troops for the next election cycle with his Third Reich allusion.

Oh it’s absolutely happening. Just at nowhere near the level the GOP would have you believe.

Because it was the only part I could comment on

I’m not sure. I haven’t had a chance to look up the speech and give it a listen yet.

That being said, there are a lot of tactics Trump knowingly uses, that were also used by Nazis. Does that mean he’s a Nazi? Of course not. It means he recognized how effective their policies were and has decided to use them.

The Demagogue Playbook was around LONG before Hitler…and Trump uses it as well as anyone in history.


That’s giving him way too much credit quite frankly. Competent demagogues are loved by the people and enrapture the news media. He’s a two bit carnival barker next to any tin pot dictator like Chavez.

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Compare the relative skill/use of the tactics to the result. In his relative skill bracket, I’d say he’s more effective than Hitler ever dreamed of.

But Hitler could spell. And thems sum big shoes ta fill

Trump barely beat the worst dem candidate in decades. Hitler completely remade the German government and dissolved the republic. Trump’s demagoguery barely got him elected, Hitlers gave him enough leeway to completely fuck up his country and mobilize it against the rest of Europe.

Trump can’t even repeal the ACA. Calm down everybody.


That’s why I said

It was a “when you think about how stupid he is, his rise to power is way more impressive” joke. Don’t take it so seriously lol. I don’t think Trump has the balls to speak the truth while in the same room as Putin, I CERTAINLY don’t think he has the balls to ever approach Hitler level

I have never heard a prof refer to Trump as Hitler. I think professors are given too much credit for these things. These kids get more ideas from FB than class.

No mention of Trump.

Actually it is far from absurd. Just ask Santayana or Karl Jaspers.

What’s next? We are going to refer to Mexicans as murderers and rapists?

And I disagree with you, @Basement_Gainz.

Trump uses the Demagogue Playbook as well as Chavez…his problem is that he tries to execute it within the context of the strongest Constitutional Republic of Representative Government in history, with a Free Press; a relatively free, educated and informed populace (when compared to many peoples of the World); a relatively “comfortable” populace that for the most part has its basic needs met; and a system of Private, Public and Governmental checks and balances that is unparalleled in history.


Trump can’t be Hitler because Hitler was only able to be Hitler given the socioeconomic conditions Germany was in at the time. Had the conditions been different Hitler would have remained a nobody living in shelters. Germany losing WW1, and the treaty that followed it, “saved” Hitler from a life of obscurity and irrelevance.

Still, the fact that someone like Trump could get elected is not a good sign for a nation made up of supposedly educated and well-informed citizens. Jung and others have said that Hitler reflected the unconscious/subconscious of the German people. It is sad to think that Trump is reflecting almost half this nation’s subconscious. It is also a warning.


You said Trump was one of the best demagogues in history. But he hasn’t leveraged that demagoguery to actually do anything more than the average Republican. Chavez and others completely transformed their country.

I completely agree that it’s good our systems and culture prevent that here. My point was more that trump’s demagoguery is impotent here. Making him not one of the best… I think we’re saying similar things.


So far.


I can see how what I said made you think it was the professors literally saying it. I meant exactly what you said. They get it from FB. But its these little sound/video bites from people who are supposed to be in the know. There sentiments are echoed by the faculty I would imagine. At least that has been my experience.

I am once more back to spending most my hours on a university campus these days. The landscape is vastly different then when I had last left it. Or maybe I am just more cognizant this time around.

Come on Zecarlo. I know he didn’t mention Trump flat out. I gave him credit. He is much to savvy to make that sort of blunder. I also think there is a rule about former presidents flat out calling current presidents Nazis. But he was obviously making the comparison. That was my interpretation of those remarks. What do you think his message was?

I know a little bit of a lot but we obviously have vastly different educations and backgrounds. What do you mean by this.

If what you meant by this was Trump did some fear mongering by saying many of the illegal immigrants coming into the country were murderers and rapists then fine I can agree with that.

I hope you are not one of the people who think Trump classified an entire nation of people as murderers and rapists. He certainly didn’t do that.