Trump: The Second Year

You could pick any person in history. If Vice went into it the same way they did that article you would have the same product with someone else. That is my only point.

When someone makes claims of someone being similar to one of the most horrific people of the 20th century I expect some strong evidence. I thought those points were very weak.

I don’t hold any resentment towards Obama but if any thing is authoritarian its spending 36 million in tax payer money to conceal information. Perhaps there was a legitimate reason to do so. I just think its funny how both gentlemen are obviously not being held to the same standards.

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A point I acknowledged and agreed to before we even started talking about it lol. I’m not sure what you’re trying to convince who of.

Agreed. But if the question is “do similarities exist” the answer is undoubtably yes.

I’d rather Trump go through the court system and deny releases than knowingly lie about things that don’t even really matter.

I also don’t really care about what Obama did IRT criticizing Trump. I’ve criticized Obama plenty for the things I disagree with

When I was six, I believed Santa Claus was real.

You do know Trump was/is a birther?

The Nazis also adapted their rhetoric to the particular audience. In places where antisemitism wasn’t as intense, they avoided the subject.

Is this a jab at me? Not sure.

It means, what a freshman believes today is not what he’ll believe a few years from now.


See I am glad you clarified because I thought you were calling pfury a child. I was very excited for a moment there. Now its gone.

So I am not well versed in the birther movement. My understanding is Obama didn’t provide his birth certificate in the format desired. He took a very long time to provide it. I have no doubt for certain people thats enough reason to mount an investigation. It seems stupid to me. Obama was a senator. I don’t really care. Its not reason enough for me to call the guy a Nazi though.

But is it enough to call him a liar and rabble rouser?

Well zecarlo now we are teetering into that fuzzy realm of intent. Are you seriously asking me if I know whats in Donald J Trumps big heart.

He is only a liar if he doesn’t actually believe it and well rabbing rousle is all about intent. So I don’t know.

Pretty much, yeah. Obama’s comment was to say today’s political climate is the sort that makes possible the election of authoritarians and demagogues, the most extreme recent historical example of which is Hitler.

Now, if you wish to claim Obama was implying Trump is an authoritarian/demagogue, I won’t push back on that.

That’s just silly. I haven’t pre-Googled this, but I’ll bet I could find more examples of MSM denouncing Hitler comparisons than (as you imply) making them.

So, your point is a criticism of what you perceive to be is bias on college campuses. OK.

Who cares? I don’t understand why you’re flogging this subject on this thread.

So I don’t really care about the ratio of people who denounce the comparison to people making the comparison. Its the fact that they occur as often as they do that is troubling.

My point was they regurgitate the rhetoric they hear from the faculty that instruct them. They make comparisons of Trump to Hitler because that is what they hear from their instructors, Trevor Noah who ever it is they follow.

Well its pretty self explanatory if you scroll up. You can get the whole story there. Thanks for responding.

This one always seems weird to me. Maybe its anecdotal, but I got through a bachelor’s in a liberal dominated metro and not a single prof ever brought up their political leanings. I’m also unable to find anyone that’s experienced that in my personal life, and I know quite a few recent college grads and current college attendees.

I had asked my sister in law a few weeks ago when this came up in another thread. She’s currently getting her 2nd bachelor’s in the same liberal dominated town. Her response was to laugh and ask me if I was joking.

I need to move to CA and join a liberal arts college or something. With all this talk of lefty teachers pushing agendas I really would love to actually know someone who experienced it



Freaking hell pfury. You have no idea how bad it is. I just started grad school 8 months ago. The first 8 weeks of the program had several hours of course work each week on such subjects as privilege, European colonization and unpacking your back pack.

One session they presented a screenshot of a google image search of a doctor. The next 30 minutes we talked about gender roles and the patriarchy and why when you google doctor you get all white men and when you google nurse you get women.

Naturally I went home and google imaged search the two words and as expected got a diverse range of images. I have no idea where they got those images from. I know google uses some sort of algorithm. Maybe they did a bunch of google searches for white men then googled doctor or something I don’t know.

I was convinced I was in the wrong program. Fortunately it cleared up eventually but every now and then this bullshit will get thrown in.

I wish I was making this up.

Mind if I ask your school and degree?

Is comparing Democrats and liberals to Nazis and fascists OK? Because there have been right wing pundits and writers who have stated that since “Nazi” has socialist in its name, it proves that Nazis were socialists which proves that socialists are Nazis which proves liberals and democrats are Nazis. There is a book, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning. Of course it ignores the fact that fascism was a reaction to liberalism. From the nascent fascism found in the nationalism of Mazzini to the actual fascism of Mussolini. Then you have Dinesh D’Souza’s, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left.

So it’s not just the Left.

I’m sure those professors exist. I’m sure that some colleges have more than others. I’m also sure that you don’t have to go to those colleges.

With that said, of course most professors are liberals. The very ideas of a university and nurturing and preserving knowledge are liberal ideas. This is why among the first things dictators do is fire, imprison or kill professors.

Sorry but I would rather not share on a public forum. The programs are really small.

Well zecarlo. Of those people you’ve mentioned I am only familiar with D’Souza. I would imagine there is a stark contrast between D’Souza shedding light on real tangible connections on left to Nazis with real tangible evidence and what I am talking about. Not saying for a second you couldn’t find people on the right with Nazi ties. But this phenomenon of calling Trump Hitler and it being socially acceptable, in spite of any evidence, is disconcerting. If people approached the comparison as meticulous and methodically as D’Souza did then fine but they don’t. Its just more smearing. He isn’t harboring any ethno nationalistic agenda. To the contrary from what I have seen.

That would be wrong. D’Souza is not an historian, he has a BA in English. His book was trashed by academics not simply for being wrong and distorting the facts but for failing to meet the standards of scholarship a book of that nature should meet. His book was criticized by conservatives as well as liberals.

But D’Souza didn’t. His book is anything but meticulous. Writing a book on politics and history is beyond the scope of his abilities since he is an expert on neither subject. Writing a scholarly work is beyond his abilities since he was never held to the standards that those works demand. Besides, even if he were capable he wouldn’t since he isn’t about the truth but about his agenda. And these criticisms come from conservatives, not just liberals.

Disturbingly for some more idealistic modern day observers, switching from communism to fascism was not unusual in the 1920s and early 30s, there was even a former Presidum member of the Comintern who later received an Iron Cross in the Wehrmacht.