Trump: The First Year

And the contractors won’t get paid.


But they will get sued.


It will become the wailing wall for gentiles

Ah, so 'murricans can gawk at the poor Mexicans. A nice touch that will doubtless do much to smooth over any hard feelings inculcated by the wall.

I think Trump should pass the trebuchet act.

Trebuchets would line the border and every Friday and Saturday night illegals would be loaded and fired back into their home country.

That would be an excellent way to create tourism while concurrently discouraging indigents on the other side of the border from illegally crossing

I assume Mexico will pay for the trebuchets?

Absolutely. And Mexico is paying for it which is totally awesome. Just out of curiosity how much do you think the total bill will be for Mexico when they are finished paying for our Great Wall of sun?

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@antiquity And anyone else interested in seeing the signs of America’s future bifurcated society

Look at this kid. An immigrant who despises them. A minority who despises them. A person who cries bias in the media but cites blatantly biased news sources with an agenda.

A+ Trolling Raj. No one does it better than you

We can call it Gran Muralla dell Sol and and hold sacrifices on top of it in the hopes that our crops get picked.
:laughing: :sun_with_face:


Aside from him saying it was his idea, it is a great idea. If it were to be built wouldn’t you rather it was covered in solar panels ?

Raj I found who you reincarnated from;
Mancherjee Bhownagree, an Indian immigrant who stood for parliament in 1895 on an anti-immigration ticket, blaming “foreign pauper aliens” for everything from increased rents to increased sweating? He won.

Very coincidental.

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I read that UNZ link. That was the poorest writing I’ve read in a long time. I’ve seen grade school kids craft better sentences.

Why do you care if whites are being out bred? The point of integration was equal protection under the law, not that putting white kids in with minorities somehow fixes minority education.


Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the future founder of Pakistan, bitterly complained in his letters home from London about all the “brown people” living there.

And let’s not get started on Gandhi and his hatred for Africans (and love for Hitler later in life)

Why not just create solar farms instead? The wall would already be inefficient at solving the problem it was created for, why not another inefficient solution? It would already be crazy expensive, covering it in solar panels sure won’t bring the cost or maintenance down.

Let’s talk about something important.


My first “job” back when I was 13 was as a caddie at a local shithole golf course. Seeing this hurts my soul far more than it should.


Lol, I agree. It’s not something to lose your mind over (I’m sure some rich, entitled asshole does this every day somewhere in the country), just an incredible entry in the annals of “Rich People Not Giving A Shit About Most Rules The Rest Of Us Try To Play By.”

I’ll also pre-emptively point out, to anyone that thinks this is just Loony Left going out of their way to be mean to Donnie J. Trump, that Fox News called Barack Obama “elitist” for ordering a burger with dijon mustard on it.

Because solar farms don’t fit the purpose which Trump wants

You have no idea how insane and petty the super rich are. I suppose they share some common character traits as well as zero empathy, not to mention a complete lack of constructive criticism from their surroundings, stretching back sometimes for decades.

I was working as a subcontractor for one of those real estate Trumps of the east (an actual Trump business partner, by the way) and he showed up unexpectedly on one of those dreary team building exercises where we played a pub quiz. As he was very proud of his alleged intelligence (cue “I’m very smart” by Donald J. Trump) he insisted he that he plays in a team with his bodyguards.

Long story short, my team won and we received a bottle of vodka and a cheap plastic trophy.

Then he huddled us in a back room where one of his bodyguards pulled a gun on us. The Trump clone shrieked and screamed at us for a good part of fifteen minutes, accusing us of a vast “conspiracy” and “cheating” on the pub quiz in question.

Fortunately, he got a nosebleed soon after and the bodyguards ushered him away.

Next Monday his PA sent me an e-mail plaintively asking me to reveal how I cheated at the pub quiz as he was insufferable.

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