Trump: The First Year

And you just can’t seem to respond to my original post WHAHAHA

Want to try once more?

I’m wondering if this is a consequence of where we were raised and where we live our lives. It’s nothing to see a BLM shirt or bumper sticker in the Bay Area, or have positive, normal interactions with those that strongly believe in and support that movement. However, I have never had an interaction (positive or negative, to be fair) with someone associated with the Neo Nazi or white supremacy movement. Is that what I’m missing?

Excellent read!

I’m not sure which drivel of yours I’m supposed to be responding to. Hard to keep up with you showing all your hatred for the far right. Is it the stuff where EyeDentist is proving you wrong? I didn’t think I had to respond if someone else already proved you wrong. Please let me know which inane point of yours needs addressing.

God knows you won’t actually leave to get a drink like you threatened an hour ago

Well if you aren’t white I’m going to guess your positive interactions with white supremacists may be limited. If you are white but don’t hate non white people the same is true.

Ha ha “drivel”. Yes keep the insults and buffoonery coming as you dodge the post that I reposted at least twice.

Post exactly what you want me to respond to and I will. I lack the motivation to try and hit everything I think you may want responded to (which will be ignored). You posted the Obama thing a few times and ED showed you were full of shit. So what exactly? The fact that I don’t think Obamas relationship with Al Sharpton is the same as having white supremacist super hero Steve Bannon as a chief advisor?

Let’s wrap it up I’m sure the “friend” you were going to drink with has almost died of thirst. Unless that was Mick28 and if so make sure he picks up the tab for once I swear you are always having to do that

Good dodge and one that you might want to remember because one does get a bit slow posting back and forth to the like minded.

Keep talking to the faithful that’s about all you’re good at.

Great! Now we’re getting somewhere. To make sure we’re on the same page, this was in response to:

So, I can understand if you live in an area where you simply never interact with people that hold certain ideals, you could believe they may be standing for something inherently bad or evil. Be it a religion, a movement, etc… As you agree, I live in an area where BLM is openly deemed fine to support, and also allows me to interact with and know those that support it. As such, I can say that the movement is full of people with good intentions and the premise is not based on inherently vulgar idealogy, but instead a worthwhile pursuit.

Is this also true of Neo-Nazism? And that, if I were in a place with a large ultra right wing constituent I would feel the same about this movement as BLM?

As you can see, I’m struggling to understand your perspective that the “far left” groups are in any way comparable to the “far right”. Do you know people associated with far right groups that are nice, kind people supporting a noble cause? If so, I guess I can understand your viewpoint.

Was actually wondering what you wanted me to respond to exactly. It seemed to me as if most of the post had already been proven false by others

I would just like to get to the left-leaning posters’ central premise: Trump is culpable in the actions of white supremacists because they (David Duke) expressed support for Trump. His repeated direct verbal and written denunciations of white supremacy don’t count because reasons… Steve Brannon is not a racist or anti-semite (link below).

So if an odious group expressing support for you makes you responsible for their actions then Obama is responsible for BLM, Acorn, SEIU, Hamas etc… and every bad thing they do. That’s absurd obviously.

Trump is a buffoon in over his head on most issues. He did not invent white racism any more than Obama begat Al Sharpton and the Black Panthers. He doesn’t empower them.

Only losers kill and assault because they can’t win a debate. Both sides have murderous loonies drawn to the fringes. Lest we forget the 5 dead cops in Dallas just a year ago.

From 3-1-16:
"GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Mr. Trump, it looks like you’re poised for some big wins tonight here on Super Tuesday. But that CNN interview continuing to make waves. You’ve seen that tweet from Mitt Romney. He called your response disqualifying and disgusting and says your coddling of repugnant bigotry is not in the character of America. Your response?

DONALD TRUMP: First of all, Mitt Romney is a failed candidate, should have won the race and he failed miserably. He was a terrible candidate for the Republicans.

Secondly, David Duke and all was disavowed. I disavowed him on Friday. I disavowed them right after that because I thought if there was any question and you take a look at Twitter, almost immediately after on Twitter and Facebook, they were disavowed again. I disavow him every time I speak to somebody virtually and they just keep it going."

A lot of conflicting information on Mr Bannon. Bannon called himself the platform for the alt-right. David Duke said he was excellent and where they were going. Vdare called him amazing. And then some.

So it seems as if maybe Bannon isn’t racist but all the best racists love him for some reason. You have to at least ask yourself why he is a hero to all of these jackasses.

Neo-Nazis are on the left. The left comprises two streams: National Socialism and international socialism. Two sides of the same coin.

Swing and a miss, my friend. Trump is culpable for Trump’s actions–or inaction, in this case.

Setting aside whether his denunciations warrant the modifier “repeated”–unless there is some sort of limit on the number of times one can denounce white supremacy, surely the events in Ch’ville warranted doing so one more time.

“Breitbart News is “the platform for the alt-right,” boasts Stephen Bannon.”

Again, no one has suggested any such thing. But out of curiosity, consider: David Duke said the following at Ch’ville:

“This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, we’re going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump, and that’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back and that’s what we gotta do.” [emphasis mine]

Question: Can you provide an equivalent quote about Obama from someone associated with BLM, Acorn, SEIU, and/or Hamas?

(An aside: Hamas = white supremacists–check. But BLM, ACORN, and the SEIU??!!)

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Raj in the building ladies and gentlemen!

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Who or what is “raj?”

And since Zeb wanted his opinion on the left known and how much he despises the fringes the first thing he said with black lives matter and violence was it starts at the top with Obama. I’m 100% sure he doesn’t feel that way here although he may say he does just to pretend and prove us all wrong

I don’t think Trump is the sole reason it happened by any means we had these lunatics long before him. What if he stood up and took the type of line he had with illegal immigration? Not a tweet, not a small statement. Where is his fire and fury and passion on this?

Why is he not furious that these people are calling him a hero?

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You actually say that with every gimmick. I admire the consistency

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Violent leftists stalk and bash event organiser.

Are you really comparing what happened in Berkeley with what happened yesterday? When an alt-right nutjob aligned his car, to ensure he was aiming directly at the anti-racist protesters, backed up, and then drove into them at high speed killing one and sending 19 others to the hospital?