Trump: The First Year

You have too much hope from the deplorables.

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I reported a guy I know for being a illegal immigrant about an hour ago and am quite glad I did so after watching that video. Brilliant

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Nah, this sub-forum just didn’t use to suck so much

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In all seriousness aside from nuking them and building a wall I don’t think you could do much except from bombing them like with the MOAB.

We decimated AQI with boots on the ground.

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:10 in: “your breaking his arm you’re going to hurt him” Ha ha ha

then maybe he shouldn’t have committed a felony? (Multiple felonies?)

We already beat ISIS - recall that we were going to do that within 100 days. Surely we did and the lamestream media just isn’t reporting on it?

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Now you may have some sort of article to cut and paste which quotes Trump saying he was going to defeat Isis the first 100 days, but I do not recall him putting that sort of timeline on it. I could certainly be wrong as Trump is a blowhard and like any politician will say anything to get elected. But I really don’t recall that one.

So, please show me where he said that and then I will be that much smarter.

Thank you.

This is an interesting take on Trump and North Korea with a comparison to the Vietnam War

One more point and a serious question:

Do you think that the mainstream media has treated Trump as well as Obama in the overall news coverage?

Secondly, do you think that Hollywood, movies, TV late night talk shows etc. have treated Trump as fairly as they did Obama?

I don’t think we should fight N. Korea. But I also don’t think we should allow N. Korea to develop a nuclear weapon.

Your thoughts?

No, but not because they’ve been too hard on Trump, but because they were far too easy on Obama.[quote=“zeb1, post:230, topic:229190”]
Secondly, do you think that Hollywood, movies, TV late night talk shows etc. have treated Trump as fairly as they did Obama?

I have no idea, but it’s irrelevant - entertainment is under no obligation to be “fair”. Complaining about late night hosts is silly.

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Intervening in foreign conflicts hasn’t done much for the US, why would north Korea be any different?

What benefit has there been from intervening in Afghanistan for instance? It’s year 16 of that war currently

And yet you mock “lame stream media” as if it is not true. Yet, above you are in essence saying it is true if only because they were not hard enough on Obama.

I actually expected such an answer. But you see it does play into the reality of the situation. And it’s far from silly if you are the brunt of the constant insults and other such put downs. The entertainment world shapes opinions these days as much as the news media. In fact, before Jon Stewart’s exit he was the most watched show FOR NEWS by the under 30 crowd. The lines have been blurred so it’s a legitimate fact that the entertainment world plays a large role in politics.

No, I am largely mocking the people who use it, because they use the term to try and discredit nearly all harmful reporting on a candidate/elected official as merely an exercise in biased attacking, which is obviously not the case. [quote=“zeb1, post:234, topic:229190”]
But you see it does play into the reality of the situation. And it’s far from silly if you are the brunt of the constant insults and other such put downs. The entertainment world shapes opinions these days as much as the news media. In fact, before Jon Stewart’s exit he was the most watched show FOR NEWS by the under 30 crowd. The lines have been blurred so it’s a legitimate fact that the entertainment world plays a large role in politics.

I never said it didn’t play into the reality of the situation, sure it does - I said complaining about it is silly because these media have no obligation to be fair. The solution is the market place - make a movie, set up a late night show, etc. that attacks liberal politicians and ideas. Crying about entertainment being mean to right-wingers makes no sense.

But, you just said two posts ago that the press was easy on Obama and not so much on Trump. What do you expect people to think?

I don’t think it is so much crying about it as it is pointing it out as a fact that, as you admit, “plays into the situation” that means they change minds. So
it matters and it’s relevant.

That’s not the question that I asked. I want to know if you think that the US should allow N. Korea to develop nuclear weapons?

I think this would carry more weight if the GOP had elected ANYONE other than Trump. It’s hard to complain about an atmosphere that relies on personal attacks and fallacies when Trump ran a decent chunk of his campaign on the backs of personal attacks and fallacies.

Plenty of liberals give Trump credit for his minor successes. Then again if we keep painting with such a broad brush nobody will ever realize it.

I expect them to complain about it, that’s fair, but also read widely to counter the effect.[quote=“zeb1, post:236, topic:229190”]
I don’t think it is so much crying about it as it is pointing it out as a fact that, as you admit, “plays into the situation” that means they change minds. So
it matters and it’s relevant.

No, it comes off as crying about it. Talk radio is overwhelmingly right-wing, but no right-wingers are crying over that? Right-wingers are supposed to love the market - well, solve it in the marketplace.

You are either too young, or didn’t pay attention when GW Bush was President. He was ridiculed constantly by both the mainstream media and Hollywood. Certainly not as bad as Trump but nonetheless it was bad.