Trump: The First 100 Days

Yea its a melting pot… If you mean less white, less Christian, less puritan bull S… then good I hope it happens fast

Every thread.


Make America Great again = make America white again

At least hes honest

Less rule of law too

Ever been to 2nd or 3rd world countries? Their laws are facilitated by bribery and threats.

I have to disagree on this one - in the late 18th century the nascent United States were geographically uniquely positioned, which in turn enabled the development of US exceptionalism. No other World Empire faced such favorable conditions at it’s beginnings.

All those fancy ideas wouldn’t have helped much if the US was sharing a long border with a large land Empire such as Russia.

Once the US broke through the Appalachian range there was nothing to stop them. Up north, sparsely populated British Canada with all those pesky recently conquered French colonists in Quebec.

Down in the south west, the Spanish Empire in its death throes, succeeded by the laughable Mexico. And up north a scattering of Russian fur traders.

None of these competitors were able to project sufficient demographic, economic or military force on US borders for a prolonged period of time, and that’s including the War of 1812, which was basically Britain’s last attempt to thwart the US expansion on the continent.

After the Louisiana purchase and Napoleon’s abandonment of New France, everyone in Europe suddenly realized how big the US will become once it spreads further west and how sooner and later it will be a force to be reckoned with. As early as 1867 Britain, who at that time was the preeminent world power basically publicly admitted that Canada was indefensible and that Britain’s presence in North America was entirely dependent on US goodwill.

This unique geographical position - protected from rivals yet with ample room for expansion enabled the US luxuries simply not affordable to European powers, laughable levels of military spending in peacetime - in 1914 at the start of the Great War US armed forces were smaller that Portugal’s.

If you have to face an invasion or a ruinous war every few years you stick to your decrepit political system because you don’t have the time to engage in discussions about liberty and pursuit of happiness because you’re literally and proverbially putting out fires.


Good thing when people come to America they aren’t bringing their govt with them.

You know, unless you’re Switzerland.

Is that so?

Agreed and we can see it at an even higher more obvious level. There’s a reason civilizations began and flourished in certain geographic regions vs. others. The Egyptian’s Dynasties had the Nile. We have the Mississippi. The Mediterranian coastline is superior to the far longer African coastline for trade. All of these geographic features helped some and a lack of these features hindered others.

Sowell talks about this a lot in his works.

Ive been to a few but you lost me here… Whats getting rid of or stoping minorities from being in USA have to do with it? Also dont be silly bribery is alive and well in USA…I take it youve never been through the criminal justice system.
Are you saying unless we are all or majority white and Christian we have anarchy?

A doctor did something that was against the law and is now being charged for doing something against the law. What are you posting? Proof that society is actively refusing other cultures that we don’t agree with?

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Move this discussion to the biology of race thread

I don’t disagree with any of this. My point is that geography isn’t determinative - for example, there is no appreciable geographical or environmental differences in where San Diego sits compared to Tijuana, but one is far better than the other. Geography can - as you point out - protect and facilitate the growth of progressive ideas, but geography doesn’t determine or otherwise guarantee it.

I’m not sure I agree, TB.

Most of Tijuana is landlocked. The coastline is very short compared to San Diego and there’s no bay (San Diego’s is 60’ deep). This allows everything from Cargo ships to Cruise liners to dock in San Diego. This creates a better trade environment, which generates more revenue, which generates more prosperity. The same can not be said for Tijuana.

*I do agree it doesn’t guarantee it.

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Why did South Africa flourish and not other African nations?

Agree, but it’s not a micro location that’s important - it’s the nucleus of the country/empire, and for the US that’s the Eastern Seaboard. Tijuana and San Diego are in different countries because of the Mexican War, not because of some inherent characteristic of the territory.

You could make the same argument by noting that Anchorage AL and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky have the identical climate, both have an excellent harbor and unimpeded access to the Pacific yet live in two diametrically opposing political systems. Both those differences don’t stem from these cities per se, but from events that shaped the nuclei of US and Russia thousands of miles away through several centuries.

For example, there are some suggestions that if the US faced the pre-plague numbers Native Americans in those initial contacts in the 16th and 17th centuries the political system of the US may have developed differently, basically creating a US wide plantation economy and drastically reducing industrial development in the North. Cheap or free labor does that - remove all incentive for innovation.

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And Jared Diamond. I’m not a geographical determinist and I believe that culture and societal norms play a significant part, but some of his conclusions seem sensible - for example, that the limiting factor for the social development of Mesoamerican civilizations was the lack of diversified crops and pack animals, not least with them being a readily available source of protein.

Sometimes, with technological change, drawbacks suddenly become huge advantages - Portugal was an European backwater until its unique geographical position enabled this tiny kingdom to transform into a Superpower in less that a century.

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Quite simple , European civilizations enslaved and took resources from the African countries and made the African countries pay for the own infrastructure that they were using to export these natural resources to Europe. Europeans also used divide-and-conquer as a tactic to make Africans kill each other. If you study Africa pre european contact places such as ghana and ethiopia and other port cities were way ahead of south africa in terms of wealth culture trade ect

These are facts they are fre to find.

Then why are the most developed parts of Africa where European colonized and the parts that went untouched the least developed?

On top of that Africa has had access to the technologies of the modern world for a century, why haven’t thru developed since?