Trump: The First 100 Days

I’ve heard Netflix and Tesla.

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No. Don’t let Apple buy Netflix. If they roll Netflix into iTunes I’m marching on Foxcon. Lol.

I just realized. They can buy Trump’s hotels without even missing the cash. Buy the hotels and then fill them up with H1B visa holders and give illegals a free place to stay.


Sure, that makes sense, you theoretically have two revenue streams to the one. However, as you alluded to, your assets have to produce or the loan costs and interest eat into your return. If you struggle to rent either or both of the properties with loans the math changes.

You left out the most important things about Bernie Sanders:

  1. He’s a socialist who wants to redistribute money. That means he will steal money from those who earned it and deserve it and give it to those who didn’t earn it and don’t deserve it.

  2. Like many of his ilk he’s never had a real job in his life. So, he doesn’t understand what small business people have to go through to earn a buck.

  3. He’s never had a position in government where he was a Chief Executive of a large entity. A Governor for example, or head of a large company.

  4. Compare his wife to Trump’s wife…nuff said :wink:

Seriously, Bernie is the absolute worst choice to “lead” anything.

When we like someone they simply erred. When we have contempt for someone they are foolish and lack judgment.

Of epic proportions.

Name for me an elected politician (above the dogcatcher level) who doesn’t want, to some degree, to redistribute money. (Hint: Doing this will require you to find an anarcho-capitalist who was elected to a position of consequence. Good luck with that.)

I dont entirely dissagree here… Lets be honest Bernie is the opposite side of the spectrum to Trump… Both sides should collectively pull there heads out of their asses and come to the middle through a ancient technique known as compromise… But hey what do I know Im just a meat head that smokes too much pot

Wait…are you saying that all politicians want to take our money? Well now…I would have to agree with you. But…Bernie has stated that he wants to go well beyond what the standard democrat (much less republican) wants to steal. Bernie has claimed that the top rate should be in the neighborhood of 53%. That means with state and local taxes a small business person who happens to be in the top tax bracket will end up paying somewhere around 65%, or more to local, state and federal government. Sanders also alluded to the fact that the middle class would have to pay more in taxes.

While you are correct that most politicians want to redistribute money the emphasis should be placed on to what degree these folks want to redistribute. Bernie has eliminated himself as a serious candidate by anyone who actually has a job in the private sector making at least middle class wages.

Now everyone can understand why Bernie main supporters were they young and foolish, government workers, old hippies and of course some of the left wing nut jobs who teach in our Universities (and who themselves have never had a real job).

Aside from the above I don’t think we should waste our posting time talking about someone who is by historical standards unelectable.

There is no meeting in the middle with a socialist. We need less taxes not more. Donald Trump’s reduction in taxes does not go far enough. I’ll take it as it’s the only game in town. But, as I have said repeatedly I would love to see a flat tax with no deductions. This would have a beneficial effect on the economy and also reduce by about 75% the size of the IRS. You would be able to fill out your taxes on something the size of a post card and be done with it.

There is no compromising with socialism.

Indeed. So in short, all politicians are ‘socialists’–the differences among them are simply the degree to which they are such.

I’m not here to carry water for Bernie. But I will point out that, as his approach dominates the governments of Western Europe, it’s incorrect to say he has ‘eliminated himself as a serious candidate.’

And before you say ‘That’s Europe, we’re Murrica,’ I would point out that it is plausible–not certain, but plausible–that Bernie could have beaten Trump.

Tell that to the debt, which is going to explode if Trump and the so-called ‘fiscal conservatives’ (ha!) in the GOP caucus get their way.

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I agree Flat tax makes sense 20% across the board seems fair. Taxing the ultra rich is a joke anyhow… Most rich guys use tax shelters off shore accounts and great accountants to save $$$ through loopholes… By the time its all said and done you pay 20% From what Ive seen anyhow… take all idealist hooplah out of it and it just makes sense… The only people that pay their fair share are worker bees…which lets be honest deserve a break…
The real question is if you did a flat tax how could you ensure all tax loopholes were closed and corps werent using tax shelters and gimicks to hide $$$ Becuase even if tax is 20% 10% sounds better :slight_smile: #greed

Dear god…

Andrew Jackson “was very angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War.”

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No, as this is the definition of Socialism:

“A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”

And as we both know many democrats and virtually no republicans are Socialists.

Yes, Europe is doing so well (cough). But it is not just his philosophy that will prevent him from ever becoming POTUS. It is his entire look. Not since the media age, 1960, has anyone who looks like Bernie been elected to the Presidency. He may do well in the democrat polls and may even get the democrat nomination (hopefully). But would badly trail virtually any republican. And as soon as the 20% or so who don’t pay attention until after Labor Day take a good look at this hunched over half bald white haired old fool who will be 74 by then (and will look about 84 based on his current look), his numbers will go down faster than a whore who was slipped a fifty-dollar bill.

Should the republicans be so fortunate as to run against Bernie in 2020 that is a bet I would love to make.

E, my gosh we have a huge debt not because taxes are too low but because WE SPEND TOO FREAKING MUCH! Is there anyone here who actually thinks the US government should be this large, (other than Bernie)? It’s unsustainable and ridiculous. Lower the taxes cut the size of government and the US will flourish!

All kidding aside, that is great. Its reputation as a nice place is well earned.

Pass legislation closing all loop-holes. And that goes for everyone at every level. A 20% tax would work. Currently only about half the country pays any federal income tax. This way everyone making 30-k or more pays 20%.

The economy would grow by leaps and bounds!

If that is the definition we are going to use, then Bernie (despite his past proclamations) is not a socialist either.

No, we do not both know this.

We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

President Trump is on the right path by suggesting that there should only be three tax brackets. Now from there we move to one flat tax. These things happen in degrees. If we can elect another republican to office after Trump leaves perhaps he can carry this idea to fruition.

Bernie beats Trump in 2020 can I get 3 to 1 odds?
Dems win 2020 not sure its Bernie but if he keeps this 35% approval thats ez money hes 1 and done…unless he actually does something fyi the wall wont get him relected only force the indys and noshows to come out in droves

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He is a democrat Socialist and has said repeatedly that he wants to attack big business (buzz word for killing small business) and grow government. I won’t argue over definitions but admittedly is a Socialist and if he had his way everything would be “owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”

Okay give me a nice long list of all the republican Socialists. Waiting…

Ha…then you are saying that the debt is too high because government is just the right size and we need to raise taxes?

That’s sad if that is the case. America did not become the economic powerhouse that it is with this methodology.