Trump: The First 100 Days

Simply because Trump wants to return the decision to allow transgender folks to use their desired restrooms to the states does not mean that he is harming transgender people. As someone who understands the constitution I am sure you will agree that the federal government oversteps its boundaries on various issues on occasion. This is one of those issues. Let’s get the federal government back to protecting our borders and keeping us safe…the very thing that it is supposed to be focused on.

As a side note, President Trump is indeed “acting” like a conservative with this latest move regarding transgender people. He is returning the right to make that choice to the sates. Something that should also be done with abortion as well.

Yet recreational marijuana is as dangerous as opiates and should remain a federal issue…

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Like I said he is acting like a republican. Please name one republican President who was in favor of smoking pot.

Hmm Nixon? No. Reagan? No. GHW Bush? No. GW? No.

I am not claiming that it should be a federal matter please don’t get me wrong. But, I am claiming that Trump is acting like the past several republican Presidents. Something that a few posters on here berated me for claiming would happen.

I think Spicer was talking out of his ass on that. We’ll see. I’m guessing that Trump is moving more toward states rights and reducing the role of the Fed.

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Credit given where credit is due. Moving trans issues to the state and intentionally keeping weed ranked at the same level as heroin is pretty par for the GOP course.

That being said, the GOPs stance on weed is still borderline lead paint ingesting.

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If ingested correctly, marijuana can give you a high equally potent as many of the harder drugs out there. It’s just not physically addictive the way heroin and cocaine are

I am respectfully asking all of you to not turn this in to a “pot should be legalized thread”.

Back on topic:

We can all agree that so farTrump is certainly acting like a republican President on the order of the past four who were elected.

I wasn’t trying to be combative with you. It’s not about whether he’s in favor of smoking pot or not, it’s about respecting the states that have spoken, loud and clear, about this issue.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

No it doesn’t/can’t. Heroine will flat out drop you dead.

You’re comparing a titty twister to a gunshot wound to the head.


I’m talking about the high itself.

Marijuana can cause psychosis, hallucinations and bunch of other fucked up stuff

Please don’t tow the party line on this. Marijuana’s place on the scheduled drug list is laughable at best. As a more/less resident “partaker,” you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner!


Create a THC tincture and then take an ounce shot of it.

I’m not talking about smoking a joint

Hey guys, we should make all alcohol illegal because buttchugging can kill people and is an escalated version of drinking!


I’m sure you love sticking things up your ass

Where as heroine, in even extremely small doses, will shut of the part of your brain that tells you to breath. You simply sit there and turn blue.

Anyone else think this is worthy of it’s own thread? I’d be down personally.

I’m down too. I’m actually curious if anyone would try to defend keeping mj at Schedule 1 (beside Raj, who seems to enjoy his regular beatings).

Looks like more mowing down of regulation

That’s kinda what I’m wondering. There won’t be much point if it’s just a bunch of sane people agreeing and laughing at Raj’s lack of knowledge