Trump: The First 100 Days

The same thing that happens to anybody else who is unaffected by it. People that get their lawns professionally treated are going to do it anyways. People who do it themselves (like me) are going to buy a broadcast spreader and a bag of Scotts like they always have.

A lawn crew pays illegals the same rate as 18 yr old’s that have to follow minimum wage? Wut?

Except for that whole supply and demand thing. Don’t you hate it when proven economic theory gets in the way of what you’re saying? I sure do!

You are talking about an industry I’ve worked in that you know fuck-all about. The upper middle golf club class is going to get their yard done without regard to the cost, unless you hit them with some over the top ridiculous number. Then they’ll just go with chemlawn or who ever else.
Middle class is going to home depot for a bag of Scotts Turf Builder.

Don’t you hate it when your word queefs end up being word queefs because they started out from the wrong orifice?

So if there weren’t illegals these jobs wouldn’texist because they’d be automated…but we want Americans to have these jobs because they’re not automated…


But you JUST SAID:


He went from circular reasoning to eccentric circular reasoning.


Some of you here are clueless about what illegals are making as a wage.

They literally ask for undeclared $150 cash per 8-10ish hour day here in East Texas.
Not one or two of them - every trade, every task from farming to construction to yard work.

They participate in programs : free education - which can include 2 meals a day and weekend food sent home, SNAP program, & taxpayer-supplied free medical through the hospital system. These are obviously the biggies. Then they queue up for every church in town’s collection effort of school supplies and clothing, blankets, and food baskets for holidays.

Probably doing better than 1/2 the readers in this thread.

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They do both

Plantation / farm type jobs would be automated while jobs like construction, food service, custodial work are stolen from Americans

And then send a portion of their money back to Mexico forever leaving the country

Same tired argument.

They get much of their welfare thru their anchor baby children

Good luck on the 14th argument…


You don’t understand how sharecropping worked do you…

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No…it’s Obama’s fault.


How does the industry support non-american employees? What is it about immigrants that makes them able to live on a lower salary?

An increase in prices DOES NOT lead to a shift in supply in demand in the landscaping industry. Got it.

Someone contact the nobel prize committee. This guy is a slam dunk for the Economics award.

I’m not sure what you meant by the first part, but i can answer this part. They’re willing to live in much much lower living conditions than your average American.

You mean I get a Nobel prize for explaining discretionary spending in a competitive buyers market?

Man those things haven’t been worth a shit since Arafat. I don’t even want it.

You’re thrying to talk from the classroom to a guy who was in the field. It ain’t working.

They come from areas where they make $25 per week or less. Ive seen how these guys live sometimes 8 or more deep in a 2bd apartment… They save untill they can upgrade…