Trump/Paul and the First Amendment

It’s all sad however I don’t think sad is the word you are looking for. I would say it’s sad that we live in a world where it takes a war to end slavery. It takes a war to create a nation with civil liberties. It’s criminal and immoral that people died in a war based on lies and pure avarice. It’s criminal and immoral that people were killed for being of a different race under the guise of freedom.

Unfortunately people are more resistant to good ideas than bad.

If we reject dieing or killing for the evil ideas of our country, then it isn’t the country we’re willing to kill and die for.

Country or government?

Heh, I am wondering how many of those revolutionary soldiers, if they could have a few hours to look over how we’ve come to interpret the constitution, and our culture, wouldn’t want a ‘take back’ and a ‘do over.’ “Should have just settled down and had lots of children and grandchildren.”

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Thanks, that’s awful nice to say, but I didn’t actually do it. So nobody owes me shit. I owe the same as everybody else to those who did the hard stuff. I am a benefactor same as Sloth same as you and most.

I don’t agree with him, but I appreciate he is being honest. I think I could die for my country or my fellow man (or woman), but I have not been put to the test. It’s easy to say, not easy to do and I at least recognize that fact.
And it’s not so much I am scared of being dead. I do fear the process of dying. It looks painful. I also fear my natural biology’s instinct to survive. Not because I don’t want to survive, but I am adverse to the fear of dying. And I do mean ‘fear’ itself. Being afraid is one of the worst emotions a person can have. It, in itself is extremely uncomfortable.
So I want to say, ‘I would die for my country.’, mean it and know it to be true. I hope it is. I guess it starts with thinking it. Otherwise your just a victim.
But, we’re all going to die anyway. It would be nice for it to have some meaning or purpose… Someone benefited. At least I am an organ donor, but I will have to go pretty soon for the stuff to be in good working order. My heart has always been strong. Maybe someone lives with my heart…

I think that would be pretty cool.

They would take another swig, load, and pull. The drunkest army in history…

Some of the guys that have enlisted and served could probably give some insight into this, but the idea of actually dying never crossed my mind when I enlisted.

For me the rationale was that I would kill anybody that tried.

I mean, if you show up to die for your country, why bring a gun?

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I’m too pessimistic for that. I’m one of the redshirts on the away team.

Perhaps. But I’m not going to agree that showing up to kill (the gun) for it is any better.

That’s fine. They actually ask directly and succinctly if you’re a conscientious objector, with a full explanation of what that means. There was a Mormon in the delayed entry program that was, but he was enlisting to be a corpsman. I don’t remember how that went or if that precludes one from enlistment.

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Well, for those who’re ready for either (to die or kill for country), I’m not proposing we shut down the military. Never fear, they will always have that avenue open to them.

Hopefully the next time you’re in favor of sending them off somewhere en masse to do both, you’ll think about whether or not it’s the right thing to do :+1:

Oh, I did. Turned out the country lied to me and others about the reasons.

I thought you said the reasons weren’t enough to make you enlist, regardless of whether or not you could?

No, back then I did try to enlist. Couldn’t get the waiver. Now, I wouldn’t.

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:thinking: Weird

Oh well. Have a great weekend!

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That’s speaking in hindsight. “THEN they WOULD HAVE…”

That’s why I confidently assured Z, at some other point on this forum, that I wouldn’t be drafted. There aren’t medical waivers for what I have. And I know this firsthand.

Anyways, not that I would support that war again, either. But, that too is in hindsight. Have a great weekend.yourself.