Trump Inauguration Thread

He also loosened the quality of fencing used from Bush’s term, making it much easier to get into the country illegally.

Those are some large numbers makes you wonder how many didn’t get caught. For the voting issue even a tiny percentage of the ones who never got caught the last 40+ years would make it an issue worth perusing.

If they had stayed instead, those are probably the ones least likely to cause problems and most likely the stereotypical immigrant the dems defend and for good reason.


I wanted to come back to you on two points:

(1) When I spoke about China being three times our size I ment population AND they have vast natural resources. Much of what will drive economies going forward is human capital (very consistent with what you have been saying). As China develops they will very likely will overtake us. I can’t predict the future (and have cautioned others in this thread several times against doing so), but it is a very real possibility. It become probable if we sit back on our laurels and continue to have the mindset that we will always be more powerful and more wealthy. I’ve lived in Hong Kong and done business in Shanghai a number of times. It would be very unwise to underestimate China.

(2) As for oil and natural gas, our ability to export natural gas offers us a unique opportunity to reduce or eliminate our trade deficits, reduce our dependence on countries that are politically opposed to us, and gives an excellent source of fertilizers (natural gas is a precursor to industrial fertilizer). I’m not saying we don’t need to work towards alternative energy, but I see no point in what Obama did to our coal industry or in shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. Pipelines are statistically safer than rail or truck transportation, ironically have a lower carbon footprint than rail or truck transportation, and much of it wouldn’t be necessary if we could actually build a closer refinery.

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There are many factors in illegal immigration that tie together, making it a messy conundrum. A couple in my thoughts: how many Central Americans have made their way into the US and there is no record back home (look up how Pew makes the numbers that the govt uses for undocumented aliens) to determine how many are here; how large is the number of anchor babies that have been counted into the citizen numbers (once they get into the public school system) and are they figured into projections for demographic studies; where are these visa over stayers and have they gone dark, or are we just not making any effort to expel them.

My bottom line is that every person that advocates from within the US, locks their door at night and protects their individual assets from unconsented dispersal. Yet somehow acts as if this country operates in an alternative world, which can support each and every taker that wonders in through the unlocked door.

Only so many can get into the boat and it remain afloat.

You must have meant to reply to someone else; that’s not my quote.

Not going take seriously a report from the Gateway Pundit. But while your Hill article shows a decline in deportations under Obama for 2014 & 2015, his deportation of convicted criminals is up substantially (59% in 2015 vs 31% in 2008).

Regarding his overall deportation numbers compared to past presidents: Were More People Deported Under the Obama Administration Than Any Other? |


I think getting unbiased information in the current environment is incredibly difficult. I give more credence to some organizations than others, obviously, and try to make sure I read both sides, and often withhold judgment for that reason. I suspect, however, that your blind faith in snopes is more guided by your own bias than a true search for truth. They do a good job on run of the mill issues, but I don’t think they’re truly fair in politics.

This article says that previous administrations did not consider being rebuffed at the border as a deportation. Only being caught in the interior of the country and then removed after proceedings. This change alone moves the goal posts.

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Did you read the Snopes piece? If so, is the analysis right or wrong?

Interesting…I’ll have to finish the rest later. Thanks for passing it along.

If more illegals are leaving America than coming to it at this current juncture, or if Obama deported a lot of people it’s still largely irrelevant @Tyler23. Obama didn’t secure the border and actually made it easier to cross over into the United States by pulling back some of the implements put in place by the Bush administration only to substitute them for ineffective ones.

One of the top ways hard drugs enter into America is on the backs of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico working as drug mules. The supply of heroin and cocaine have absolutely ravished communities in this country with one of the biggest example being the communities located in Vermont.

Trump’s wall will hinder the flow of drugs entering into America from Mexico, the top source of drugs.

I looked at both articles, the one you mocked and the one you posted. Did you? Serious question. It appears that one is looking at several years as a block and the other is looking at year over year changes. That’s how statistical games are played. One can simply set the start and end period that works to support one’s own position even before one starts to question the accuracy of the underlying data. I’ll have to go out and get the reported data and take a look. I’m curious and happy to discuss, if you’re serious. We also know that the U.S. recession drove many illegals to voluntarily leave.

BTW, immigration is one issue that I tend to be largely non-partisan on, in the sense that I think both the Republicans and Democrats (and Trump) have screwed the pooch on it. While I support strict border control, our legal immigration system sucks and doesn’t allow enough room for agricultural workers and refugees. Illegals get to live in the lovely (I’m being sarcastic for any who doubt it) second-class human world where they can’t really get a steady job, rely on police protection, or get an education. I don’t like the fact that they illegally crossed the border, but if one does that to feed their family I’m damned sympathetic. I am just as pissed at Trump’s temporary ban as I was at Obama’s termination of amnesty for Cuban refugees right as he left office. He didn’t even get assurances for the treatment of returnees, although we wouldn’t be able to rely on it anyway. We (both political parties) treat these people as pawns and it’s pretty f’king shitty.

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Serious answer - I didn’t post any articles.

I don’t think the drugs are on their backs…


Well damn then. Tyler did. You inserted yourself. Oh well.

Tyler did you vote for Obama four years ago? Also, did you vote for Hillary this past November?

Just curious…

Thank You,


My original point being, you’re too busy trying to impugn the motives of the source without actually addressing the actual merits of the source’s claim.

Foolish baby games

That doesn’t make any sense.