Trump: Historical Religious Figure?

I have no idea…I don’t read apocalyptic authors…but I also don’t read clearly leftist literature either.

What makes even discussing a lot of these topics frustrating is the “…well if you think this…then you also must believe this…” assumptions people make all too often. (not necessarily directed at you, @Sloth…)

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The Bible has examples from Genesis to Revelation that demonstrate God using both the godly and ungodly to lead nations, destroy or rebuke other nations, and spread the gospel.
Moses, several Pharaohs, David, Cyrus and several successors of Persia, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia, the Roman empire, and yes Esther, come to mind immediately.


This doesn’t really explain his overwhelming support in the primary where it could easily be argued you had about 15 more fiscally and socially conservative options.

Let’s call it what it is. Evangelical hardcore Trump supporters are full of shit on thinking morality matters. They are pretty used to thinking fellow humans (gays, minorities) are of lesser value.

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Fiction is fun. I prefer Lord of the Flies though.

  1. Trump is well-liked in Israel and actually well-liked in the surrounding Muslim countries (by the normal people who make up the quiet – and oppressed – majorities in those countries). Trump is viewed as having had enough of Hamas, etc, and seeing them for what they are – either religious nuts or just crooks who hide under a cloak of religion (e.g., Iran). Plain talk is appreciated.

  2. The entire recent Israeli election was pretty much about “who gets along better with Trump”.

  3. The Orthodox community (Zionist and non-Zionist, but excluding our versions of the Westboro Baptist Church – Neturei Karta – they are the notorious welfare queen Jewish people who meet with Iran’s leaders all the time) generally view Trump very favorably. And, yes, they even play gematria games with his name to show he is a potential great leader in the realm of Alexander the Great or the like – pretty stupid.

  4. Part of Trump’s popularity is the simple fact the Democrat Party is somewhere between tacit and explicit endorsement of antisemitism. Heck, while all the media talks about Ilan Omar’s smears, we have Rashida Tlaib who called for the murder of all 6.5 million Jews in Israel. (Specifically, she called for a “one state” solution for Israel – with Jordan and Egypt, et al, invading.) In comparison to someone calling for genocide, pretty much anyone looks great. That’s why so many Jews were communists in Germany – in comparison to Nazis, the commies were fantastic.

Thank you, @Jewbacca.

I had a feeling that Trump was viewed favorably in Israel…but do the Orthodox (and others)…actually view him as some Religious figure doing the Will of G*d?

Well, fiscal “conservatism” is just economic liberatarianism, so as a religious…meh. As far as trad/social conservativism there isn’t a whole lot of trust in who will not only win, but even fight when the media inevitably dumps on them. And, religious conservatives will be dumped on.

It was about beating Hillary and the ‘a he is a she culture all at once.’

True…so No argument from me, @treco

But in the case of using a religious basis for the support of Trump; I think that it’s all some of the worst case of justification I’ve seen in a while.

With that said…I don’t profess to know Gods will because I’m not that arrogant…

So I guess we’ll see…

I was going to say the same thing. Nebuchadnezzar isn’t exactly someone I would want to emulate, and he certainly wasn’t observant of Hebrew religion.

Throw in a bunch of the old testament bad Kings to boot.

Trump is not a religious figure. He is the exact opposite of any kind of role model I would want my kids growing up to emulate and has, as far as I can tell, about zero positive attributes.

However, being an “instrument” implies use, not partnership or admirable traits. It doesn’t necessitate being a role model. Just look at the seeming relationship between Putin and Trump.

In that sense it is possible that he is an instrument of God the same way Cyrus and Nebuchadnezzar were (famously “carrying off” the Hebrews into servitude), but that doesn’t mean he should be admired or supported…or in office. I sure wouldn’t have voted for “King of Babylon” as my leader in the Hebrew days. You get what you ask for, and deserve.

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Look at Kavanaugh. Someone else might have just dumped him and nominated some mush to appease (it wouldn’t).

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How true, @Aragorn

True. If the question is “is there any mystery why evangelicals voted for the turd sandwich instead of the poop soup in a 2 party system”, no probably not. However, I’m not an “end justifies the means” sort of person so I refused to vote for him.

The question Mufasa seems to be asking is instead “why are the religious right so damned enthralled with him”…not just voting out of self preservation but actively in adulation of the turd.

That I have no answer for. I have no clue.


Neither do I, @Aragorn

The Kav question. Because he is seen as a fighter against a left that is clearly fighting their interests. See the religious liberty concerns above.


Trump fights for Trump, “Wins” and adulation…

He saw an opening and went for it…and that was Conservative Anger…

At their core; Nancy Pelosi is probably more Conservative than Trump ever was…

But as @Aragorn suggested…I guess the end justifies the means…

When the opposition comes along and decides to suddenly try and force them to act outside of their long practiced religious conscience with new and novel ideas there will be enthusiasm for a person seen as a fighter.

Nancy Pelosi would never nominate a Kavanaugh.

To give a specific somewhat trivial example, one of the Democrat candidates (can’t remember which one – a guy) has banning circumcision of children as one of his positions.

From an Orthodox Jewish perspective, for a political party to entertain this idea seriously makes it clear the Democrat Party, as a whole, is hostile to religion, in general, and Judaism, in particular.

Maybe some people voted for VP Pence more than Pres Trump.


Imo definitely this. Pence is an utterly useless human being without pulling in the Jesus vote.

But also because Trump really does sync well with most religious figures. Very similar in a ton of ways