Trump Gauntlet is Now Officially Dropped

I am good with it so long as they use this Prince song in their campaign.

Haha these ads write themselves.

@pushharder: do you think there is any realistic possibility that a Republican-ish third party could win a small handful of states, siphon off just enough electoral votes that no one gets a majority, and take us down a path we’ve not traveled for 200 years with the House determining the President?

Trump needs either a Hispanic or a female for his VP. Preferably an Hispanic who is female, that person is Susana Martinez the Governor of New Mexico.
She is everything that he isn’t which balances out the ticket perfectly. He would gain in two categories where he is now weak, Hispanics and females. He would then absolutely be unstoppable.

No more brutal than what the republicans ran obviously.

Fair enough. Do you think it will be attempted?

Colin Powell for Vice President!

Cash in on that ROTC vote!

Speculation on my part, but Bernie and Trump appear third party/anti-establishment enough that I don’t think a third party person will gain much traction.

Crushed Bernie supporters will probably create a micro aggression campaign and write his name in, however.

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I’m admittedly whistling in the dark here, but I actually saw this from a different perspective: that Trump is so anti-establishment (or at least perceived to be so) that the Republican establishment would be the group that creates the third party, doing so not with realistic expectations of winning outright but perhaps hoping to capture enough electoral votes that nobody has a majority, taking the election to the House of Representatives. Forgive me, I wasn’t around the last time that was required, so I’m a little hazy on how that works :slight_smile:

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As fun as that would be to watch, I don’t think Mr. Prius would take that gamble.

I know there is a select few who want a third party, but know it would take ~20 years to establish; this would accelerate that pretty quickly.

There are just so many unprecedented things happening during this Election Cycle.

Speaker Ryan has officially announced that he could not support Trump.

What the implications of this are is anyone’s guess.

I must have missed that one. What I heard him say was he could NOT YET support Trump. They are meeting tomorrow to discuss ways to get together.

Before this is all over they will all be on the Trump bandwagon.

Trump’s new finance chair has donated more than twice as much to Democrats, and once worked for George Soros.

"Imagine how embarrassing this would be if the GOP were still a conservative party instead of an independent center-left nationalist program under the Republican label.

“Given more than twice as much” is a kind way of putting it, actually. According to the Washington Examiner, fully 85 percent of this guy’s contributions has gone blue. Alternate headline: “Democrat appoints Democrat to top campaign position.”"

I read it wrong, then.

Let’s see what happens tomorrow.

Probably should have tried to state “GOP establishment” more clearly. Let’s see if this explanation works better. I was imagining something like Teddy Roosevelt creating the Bull Moose party back in 1912 after Taft retained the Republican nomination, despite Roosevelt’s increasing distaste for his quasi-hand-picked successor.

Hypothetically speaking, after Trump gets announced as the “Republican” candidate at the RNC, suppose that a handful of prominent Republicans announce that they will leave the Republican Party for the newly created “Anyone But Trump” Party and put forth their own candidate, Mitt Romney, in the general election (again, not necessarily expecting to win the general outright, but maybe hoping to pour enough campaign resources into a handful of carefully chosen states and grab enough electoral votes to prevent anyone from achieving a majority in the electoral college).

I admittedly have little idea of how well this could actually work, I’m just curious if it will be attempted.

No - why would he?

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