Trump Cabinet Predictions / Suggestions

Carson Education…but where do you place Gingrich?

It started falling at the republican convention back in 2012 as the keynote speaker talking for 17 minutes all about himself. With a brief mention of Mitt Romney. It took another dip when he hugged and praised Obama. He wanted Romney to lose so that he could be the nominee in 2016. Karma is a bitch Chris. Republicans didn’t forget either of those things. Christie can sit his fat ass in New Jersey for the next four years and contemplate life

zeb1 as Libyan Ambassador.

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Would you guys really want a creationist like ben Carson as your head of education?

Oh the irony. It seems you have no idea who you actually voted for.

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Who is “you guys”?

  • The ones who think he can do no wrong since hes not a Democrat
  • The ones who actually believe in creationism

Now that I think of it those are probably the same group

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Reince is chief of staff

Bannon is senior counselor to the president and chief strategist according to Fox news

What a surprise! Another Holier (smarter) than thou journalist who doesn’t like someone elses beliefs and launches into a tirade against them.

It would have been a better article if she could have cited facts from budgets of previous admins adjusted for current dollars, but she probably couldn’t see past her hatred with enough clarity to present a cogent fact based argument.

Instead, she dropped trou and laid out that steamer. This modern movement of snark being the new smart is far more anti-intellectual than anything she’s worried about. Faithful Christians, Muslim, Hindu, and just about any other faith have made great scientists, and statesman, for that matter.

These modern masters of snark don’t make very good journalists though.


Carson would be better as Surgeon General IMO. Great surgeon and the youngest ever department head at Hopkins. Thats at least a medical field. I do not think he would do as well in Education.

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Reince Priebus IS going to be Chief of Staff. (As I have said; I thought that him and Kelly Anne Conway should be given whatever position they want. They both took the heat…stood their ground…and quite frankly they “righted the Trump ship” when it was sinking…)

Now…Steve Bannon…

I don’t know about this one.

Anyone know what the hell a “Chief Strategist” does?

He certainly is not there to allay any fears of the opposition…

Newt was on TV today…he sounded good until he got defensive about the “Alt-right” and the Nationalist and Supremacist that have been energized by Trumps election.

Well, they have been…that’s just a fact. Other than the defensiveness, I find nothing wrong with Newt back in government in some capacity.

Bolton? He was critical of the President around every turn, and is/was WAY too Partisan for my taste.
I’m sure he will be picked by Trump for that very reason.

I reserve any judgment after I see what he is picked for.

In terms of "Draining the Swamp’?


Come on, we all knew he wasn’t really going to do that, that was just for the plebs to hear and cheer.


I like Newt’s relative calmness, but think he might not want to be back in the 24/7 game plus think he probably represents too much the swamp due to his earlier less than stellar rep due to scandals.

Priebus - seems politically smart to get a bridge to Congress as no Pres is an island

He can’t go full independent against Congress or he will get stonewalled


Newt’s okay.

He just likes blowjobs like Clinton.

I respect someone who has taken the time to truly understand the History of our Great Republic, and the nuances of Government.

I suppose it really depends on what he is being considered for.

I think anyone picked as Secretary of Defense will have some tough acts to follow.

I will DEFINITELY be watching that.

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I’ve been a bit surprised at the GOPe response. Not sure whether they are just doing what pols do (whatever it takes to stay in power) or if they have had a Come to Jesus meeting (maybe even with Priebus).

Also looks like Dems are doubling down with Ellison.
My die hard yellow dog Mom has cursed this move.

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Could you imagine the Democrats reaction to Trump having a flaming Brit as press secretary? Heads would explode I’m sure.

It’s early days, but this article is a bit concerning. I would expect that he would take longer to get up to speed, since he’s never been to Washington.

Firings and Discord Put Trump Transition Team in a State of Disarray, New York Times.

Please don’t consider this as personal to you.
But NYT is literally the tip of the spear for pushing Liberalism. They and their ilk Wapo, etc are not interested in getting along with Trump or any change that slows down their preferred agenda.

Will Trump make mistakes and do some shady stuff? 100% certainty, imo.
Will MSM ever give him a break or back off manufacturing bs in order to discredit him?
Look at W, and what do you see?

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Just as good…

If the press gets half as annoyed listening to her as I do then it will be worth it

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Yeah, I think so too, Treco. They tend to lean pretty hard to the left. It’s still so early in all of this. I’m not getting worked up yet, but it’s another side. We’ll have to see how things shake out.

Funny thing, in terms of who the president chooses to associate with. Nobody on the left seemed to think anything of Al Sharpton’s 100 or more trips to the White House. If he was acting as Obama’s advisor on race and the Black community, that could explain a lot of things.

But will the plebs get mad when Trump, the true outsider, doesn’t actually “drain the swamp”?

Heck, I’m wondering what’ll happen if Trump doesn’t move along with locking Clinton up.