Trouble Sleeping

I’m really not getting your kind of irony, maybe I’m just too stupid for that.

However, why do you feel the need to humor me when I made quite a longish post asking for help and advice in a respectful, polite manner? Did I do something to you personally by any means?

You did! It’s time for the truth to be revealed! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


Darn I knew it!

Okay then, but don’t think I’ll be an easy prey. I’m up and ready to fight, Mr. Montoya. Come for me!

I’d also say it’s likely you’re sleeping in and out in short bursts there without realising it. 8 hours is a LONG time to sit around awake doing nothing and not fall asleep, even during the day.

Either way I’d say try to narrow down as far as you can the source of the issue:

Over stimulation (e.g. working out too close go your bed time)
Blue light
Food (avoiding spicey foods near bed time etc)

I personally find it hard to get to sleep at my normal “week day” time on a Sunday if I’ve not woken up until something like 10.30am, even if I’ve then pounded it in the gym. Try getting up closer to your normal weekday time on a Sunday, even if it’s only to relax with a coffee in front of the TV.


I thought about that too. I think it’s unlikely tho—after a point, I started freaking out after realizing just lying in bed wouldn’t do it so I was getting up like every 15 minutes, going to the bathroom, checking the phone trying to distract my mind in an effort to pass time so that maybe, just maybe, I would eventually start feeling tired.

I know really, and I’ve been through a period in the last when I would just feel sleepy every time I wouldn’t focus on something for 5 minutes or more. Taking a bus? I would nearly fall asleep during the 10-minute trip.

Even now, when a class is very boring, I find myself tempted to rest my head on the desk and I once fell asleep for nearly 20 minutes while the teacher was testing some peers of mine and had instructed us to do “whatever the heck we felt like doing, just in silence.” I miss those times!

I also thought about that. Maybe training till 9.30 pm and then going bed at 11pm might not be the best choice. But Tuesday night I had similar problems, although not as bad as last night, and I don’t train on Tuesdays.

Never had any sort of problems with noise or light (I’m used to sleeping with a small light in my bedroom).

I thought about food as well, as when I train I have a pretty big meal just about an hour or less away from bedtime. But still, I’ve had problems on a non-training day too and I’ve always slept well even after big meals in the past.

You know what, you might be on to something here. This Monday and Tuesday the school was closed because of a 2 day whether alert and my schedule was a bit weird with me going to sleep late even if I felt tired and waking up later than I’m used to.

But still, in the past I had a couple of parties where I’d go to sleep as late as 4am maybe even after drinking (happens very rarely) and smoking and next day I recovered just fine and had no problems sleeping subsequent nights.

BTW, what’s weird is that now I’m out (if I had spent one more hour at gone I would’ve gone crazy I swear) and I don’t feel tired or sleepy at all.

Signs of Over Exerting yourself

Insomnia- you can’t sleep.

Depression/ Emotional Instability- you’re crying on the phone to your dad.

Decreased Appetitte- How is your appetite?

If everything else is the same, your workouts got way more strenuous, and now you can’t sleep, I’d start by examining the workouts.


My appetite is okay. When this morning I woke up, I didn’t really feel like cooking but my usual craving for eggs upon waking up led me to prepare a decent meal.

Lately my appetite has been pretty good, I’m not finding it difficult to eat my usual 2.9k cals a day.

However I’ve got one question: I’ve read elsewhere that fatigue can lead to insomnia as well, but I can’t understand how that would make sense—shouldn’t a “tired” individual seek for more sleep, in order to try and recover, instead of less?

Anyway I’m buying into the fact that it might actually be the workouts. Do you want me to post my program here so we can figure out whether they might actually be causing me to overreach?
I posted it in my other, recently updated topic as well but if you can’t find it I can re post here.

Tired is OK. Tired is normal. You rest then you’re not tired.

The problem is when you get Too Fatigued for normal rest. Normal work, normal fatigue, normal recovery. If you dramatically increase the workload, it’s not normal to your body anymore.

Your body produces “stress hormones” (I need scientific back up here) that interfere with your normal recovery. You get all emotional and can’t sleep.

People use more weight, more reps or more sets to Add to their work loads. People also use techniques like Rest Pause and Drop Sets to Add to their workouts. (i need body builder experience back up here) If you’re New to these techniques, you don’t know exactly how much they are adding to your workload. Using both New techniques at once is probably dramatically increasing your workload.

you’re being a real bitch about this.

Don’t start taking days off school or whatever because you’re vewy sweepy


Tough, but Valid information.

Smoke some trees and then go to sleep

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Also valid.

That’s only an option on Friday and Saturday nights, and as a matter of fact I’ve never had any problems sleeping during weekends haha.


Anyway last night i tried to do everything right like avoiding light as much as possible after like 8 pm, taking melatonin, and trying to relax.

Ended up falling asleep somewhere around 1.30am, which is an improvement from last night but that’s still a lot of time awake considering I went to bed at 10.30pm.

This time I noticed a couple of interesting things:

  1. After some time lying in bed with no success, I could notice my heartbeat increasing. It was like I could feel the heart racing and I attributed it to the fact that I was like afraid of spending another night like last. Despite the efforts in controlling breathing I couldn’t slow it down and I can’t remember the moment it ceased racing because that’s probably when I fell asleep.

  2. As I already mentioned, despite the weather not being warm at all, and having all the radiators shut off, I felt really hot at times. I would lie there, initially feeling normal. Then I’d start feeling hot under my head on the pillow and then under my body on the bed, like it was being heated from below. That only contributed to me not being able to sleep. I ended up sleeping WITHOUT CLOTHES, and with the FAN on the ceiling turned on. And it’s December.

Not dismissing your plight, but just for reference- You’re young and most likely have a bonfire metabolism. Throw in the boost from being well fed and and a high EPOC from rigorous lifting and you are likely about to spontaneously combust.

Doing a conjugate type program I used to sleep under a slightly open window naked (in the winter), and my wife would complain about the heat being thrown off.

Try taking your temperature. If its up over 100 F try a lukewarm shower and steadily turn the temp down so that you can bring your entire body temp down a few degrees. I used to do either that or go outside for a little while in bare feet until I’d get nice and cold.

edit: don’t go straight to blast with cold water. That can cause a panic response and you’ll never get to sleep.

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A final tip from me is to read in bed. That is a book, a newspaper or something else hard copy, not on a screen. Always works for me.

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It sounds like your now overthinking the whole thing and stressing yourself about it when trying to sleep.
I’ve worked crazy shift work and all sorts of rubbish over the years, thing that works for me, keep hitting the weights, don’t eat to much shit or suck too much piss, and keep your sleeping routine constant, even on weekends, or it fucks it up for Monday where the shit then snowballs into the week again.

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you should hit you with 20 to 30 mg melatonine ! try it, you need a higher dose. If u have some money go buy some GABA + ZMA+ 20 mg of melatonine= best sleep.

Sounds like anxiety. I have the same problem.

If I can’t fall asleep, I do what @SkyzykS recommend and take a warm shower and gradually decrease the temperature to as cold as it goes. Helps to lower my blood pressure (I think) and just make me feel relaxed. If it’s really bad, I just get up and go for a long walk with music.

In the end, you’ll have to learn to cope with it and find out what the root of the problem is, e.g. depression, anxiety, and what’s causing it and how you can work on improving upon those things.

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How is it going? Can you sleep? Are you back to normal?

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Thank you for the interest :slight_smile:

During winter holidays I slept pretty well. From Monday I’ll be back at school and I hope that anxiety and stress don’t take over so I can keep sleeping well