Tridenosen, Mesobolin, Cortesten

Has anyone heard of: Mesobolin, Tridenosen, & Cortesten (these are all oral)? I received a catalog yesterday in the mail from (which I never ordered & never gave my address for.)

I read through it & called about the “Mega Stack” which is “Mesobolin & Tridenosen” they say Mesobolin is the real deal & is better then “D-bol”. The rep went on to say you’ll really put size on with this stack or if you go with “Cortesten, Drema-Tropin (a topical HGH” & Tridenosen" you’ll really put size on. A topical HGH? LOL the oral HGH don’t work because the cell is too big to past through the membrane in the mouth so I know this won’t.

Anyway the others still have me curious as to if they might work. Especially Mesobolin, Tridenosen! They very very expensive $160 for each (90 day supply) & the rep was like if you order now I’ll give you free shipping & reduce the price $9. $300 out the door. Which through a red flag up right there.

And after I told him I can really D-bol for $85 he said their product is more because of the saftey features built in so there’s no side effects. LOL Now I know after all this I should know it don’t work but I gotta ask just in case someone out there tried it or knows about it & I’m wrong (I guess it’s the hopefulness inside of me)! :slight_smile:

Nobody knows anything?

There is shit like that all over the internet. Everyone claims their product works better then anything else available. They will claim whatever it takes to get you to buy the product.

the only way to know for sure is to try them.

legal+safer+more effective then steroids=BS

[quote]firestanggt wrote:
There is shit like that all over the internet. Everyone claims their product works better then anything else available. They will claim whatever it takes to get you to buy the product.

the only way to know for sure is to try them.

legal+safer+more effective then steroids=BS[/quote]

Thanks thats what I thought always hopeful though.

1st off these aren’t my choice words I had for you but I hate the lean skinny hard model look! Looks gay to me! I always liked the bulky powerlifter look. It’s up to me not you so keep your snotty comments to yourself if your jealous of people bigger then you.

I’m proud of my build & worked hard for it & continue to do so. I see your pic isn’t up so that says a load for you! Don’t follow my reply & posts just to try & bother me! Get a life!

Its shameful how they use Dan Duchaine’s picture too.

Bottom Line is real Test or any other gear is cheaper, safer and far, far more effective.

I mean seriously you can run a gram of Test for like $20 a week! This garbage costs you 3-5x that.

[quote]InTheZone wrote:
sapasion wrote:
Its shameful how they use Dan Duchaine’s picture too.

Bottom Line is real Test or any other gear is cheaper, safer and far, far more effective.

I mean seriously you can run a gram of Test for like $20 a week! This garbage costs you 3-5x that.

       Hey Saps, don't waste your time advising this "guy"..
          I don't think he's in any way deserving of advice from a vet like you..
        I'm kind of surprised if you read his posts that you didn't recognize the bullshit...


Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? You seem to either waste your time harassing the posters on this forum that you don’t like or waste your time sucking up to the ones you do like. And your attempts at building consensus around who you dislike are childish and stupid too. Who the fuck do you think are telling other people who they should and shouldn’t respond to?

I’m sure everything you do is justified in your own mind, so this is just to let you know that you come off as wacko. Learn some social skills.

[quote]InTheZone wrote:
Look asshole, the guys threatened my dead mother, my wife, etc.
Since when are you a fuckin moral compass?[/quote]

Well that certainly isn’t cool of him. Maybe it isn’t my business but why would you goad an unbalanced fuck-up like that any further?

Anyway, I don’t know the whole story, don’t really care to, I’ve just experienced first hand how annoying you can be and I’m calling it like I see it. But by all means, do whatever you want, you will anyway. I’ll cease further comment.