Tricep Routine?! Some Advice Please

Currently is:

4 sets of tricep dips
3 sets of CGBP
3 sets of push downs
3 sets of kickbacks

I don’t do skulls because they don’t like my elbows (tried all different angles etc, so don’t go there lol).

Anyway, my question is - if I get an RC injury (I hope I won’t), but if I ever had to lay off the CGBP (BB), would those three exercises be okay?

The only reason I say that is because I feel my deltoid on the side of my arm working/not pain, but some feeling as though it is fatigued when I do CGBP, but I changed my grip today, so it was elbows tucked right in, as opposed to slightly flared, and it seemed to go. Dips don’t cause a problem. I do RC exercises anyway, but was just curious for some thoughts. I do DB benching anyway (just don’t like BB benching), so would CGBP using DB’s be better for my shoulders in general (not that I have an injury, although my RC’s are not very strong, so I am now working on them).

Sorry for the long message, and thanks in advance for replies!

I usually do three exercises, actually, sometimes I only do two for tris because I train them after delts (lotta pressing).

I prefer to do an isolation exercise (rope pressdowns), or a movement that incorporates a deep stretch (DB french presses) first, and then usually follow up, or finish with dips.


Even two exercise can be quite enough.

All that matters is that you keep progressing in weight/reps and don’t hurt yourself.

Keep doing CGP’s with your elbows tucked and the grip as wide as you need it to be in order for your elbows to stay tucked even in the bottom position.
Shoulder blades are positioned as one would in Powerlifting. Chest/sternum high.

I’d suggest that you cut out one of the big pressing exercises… Either focus on tricep dips or the CGP, or rotate them from workout to workout…

There are some extension variants which are way nicer on the elbows than skullcrushers:
Pjr pullover/extensions, (larry)Scott extensions and EZ extensions (lying on the bench and bringing the bar down behind your head… Also letting your elbows do whatever they want instead of forcing them into position).

2-Some extension variant or tricep pullover/ext. exercise
3-pushdowns of some sort

That should work just fine. The pushdowns are more of an afterthought…

Concentrate on progressing on your heavy set especially on the first two exercises training-session after training-session…

CGP’s using DB’s? Try neutral/hammer-grip DB presses (elbows tucked, obviously) instead.

Still, CGP’s offer more potential for progression… You just need to learn how to retract your scapulae/proper bench form/setup.

[quote]AimHigh wrote:
Currently is:

4 sets of tricep dips
3 sets of CGBP
3 sets of push downs
3 sets of kickbacks

Now is:

3 sets of tricep dips
3 sets of CGBP
3 sets of push downs

You probably only need one of the first two and push downs if your intensity is high.

I recently fell in love with reverse grip pulldowns. Also, I like a slight incline with skull crushers.

[quote]duhast234 wrote:
I recently fell in love with reverse grip pulldowns. Also, I like a slight incline with skull crushers.[/quote]

How do you do these without feeling like your hand is going to rip out of your wrist. I’ve tried using wrist wraps, no help. Its a shame because I can really feel them in my triceps but I can’t do them with any sort of weight without feeling like my hand is gonna break off.

Thanks for all the replies. I am going to do as follows:

4 sets dips (as I am doing them bw at the moment, and can do about 10-12 reps each set, I go 'till failure. Will add weight soon, when I can do 20 reps for 3 sets with perfect form).
3 sets of CGBP (using DB’s)
3 sets of kickbacks

I can not do pushdowns yet as I workout at home, and am in the process of setting up the multigym on which I will be able to do it on.

[quote]Unaware wrote:
duhast234 wrote:
I recently fell in love with reverse grip pulldowns. Also, I like a slight incline with skull crushers.

How do you do these without feeling like your hand is going to rip out of your wrist. I’ve tried using wrist wraps, no help. Its a shame because I can really feel them in my triceps but I can’t do them with any sort of weight without feeling like my hand is gonna break off.[/quote]

Sounds like you have weak forearms or don’t know how to move the weight with your tricep, without noticing, utilize your hands and wrists when they should be solid and unyielding.

Also, is it normal for my rear delts to be slightly sore (good muscle soreness) after doing tricep dips? I don’t do shoulders much, so that might be why? I need to do more rowing movements in my sessions anyway.

[quote]AimHigh wrote:
Also, is it normal for my rear delts to be slightly sore (good muscle soreness) after doing tricep dips? I don’t do shoulders much, so that might be why? I need to do more rowing movements in my sessions anyway. [/quote]

It’s just some slight assistance from a stabilizer muscle. Just means your rear delts aren’t used to, or strong enough, to handle the exercises easily. Shouldn’t be an issue.


Think about your triceps in relation to where they are to your body.

Behind the body - dips
Beside the body - pushdowns, kickbacks etc
Infront of the body - CGBP, skull crushers
Above the body - french press, single arm extension.

This way you will never do two ‘redundant’ exercises. 12 sets total is usually enough for most people.

[quote]AimHigh wrote:
Thanks for all the replies. I am going to do as follows:

4 sets dips (as I am doing them bw at the moment, and can do about 10-12 reps each set, I go 'till failure. Will add weight soon, when I can do 20 reps for 3 sets with perfect form). [/quote] Whoa, that would be too slow for me… But suit yourself. Seriously though, 10-12 reps for 4 sets at the same weight… That’s a bit… Light, don’t you think? [quote]
3 sets of CGBP (using DB’s)
3 sets of kickbacks

I can not do pushdowns yet as I workout at home, and am in the process of setting up the multigym on which I will be able to do it on. [/quote]

Nothin builds triceps like a set of heavy close grip bench presses. ;]

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
AimHigh wrote:
Thanks for all the replies. I am going to do as follows:

4 sets dips (as I am doing them bw at the moment, and can do about 10-12 reps each set, I go 'till failure. Will add weight soon, when I can do 20 reps for 3 sets with perfect form). Whoa, that would be too slow for me… But suit yourself. Seriously though, 10-12 reps for 4 sets at the same weight… That’s a bit… Light, don’t you think?
3 sets of CGBP (using DB’s)
3 sets of kickbacks

I can not do pushdowns yet as I workout at home, and am in the process of setting up the multigym on which I will be able to do it on.


I’d rather take it slowly and not get injured than rush and tear something. Nothing wrong with high reps anyway for building endurance and some mass. TBH I am usually struggling by the 10th rep too.