Trainng to Hit 200 By June

In a single week, you are using Push/pull, full body, antagonist, legs sucks and a few other split.

You need to pick one instead of being all over the place.

[quote]JFG wrote:
In a single week, you are using Push/pull, full body, antagonist, legs sucks and a few other split.

You need to pick one instead of being all over the place.


I could possibly add in more leg work. Maybe more sets of squats, maybe leg press, or possibly some squats before Deadlifts?

Thanks for referencing different splits, but I like my current one for right now, and I don’t see it being all over the place. I bench twice a week, I squat 2 a week, I deadlift 1x a week, hit shoulders 2x and hit back with a row 2x, horizontal pull 2x and arms 3x, since they are small and can handle the extra work.

What I don’t like about this split is squats being so close together. It’s the trouble of are Deadlifts a back or a hip exercise? So I just call it both, and do it first thing in the week. Rest a day, hit the hips again with squats this time, rest and hit them again heavy. As far as I can tell I’m not over training any body part and see nothing particularly wrong with this routine.

The routine does look strange, but is also thought out. Any recommendations to alter it are welcome. Saying it sucks won’t change my mind, however. Thank you for your reply.

Bodyweight goals are legit especially when just getting started. I could see only looking at body weight holding back someone at an advanced level who was already big. Other than that, if your goal is big progress, you had better be watching that scale as well. I really don’t understand someone telling you different. It will be up to you to make sure the weight being gained is more muscle than body fat.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Bodyweight goals are legit especially when just getting started. I could see only looking at body weight holding back someone at an advanced level who was already big. Other than that, if your goal is big progress, you had better be watching that scale as well. I really don’t understand someone telling you different. It will be up to you to make sure the weight being gained is more muscle than body fat.[/quote]

Thanks. I am keeping the scale going up and keeping on eye on body fat. Not worrying about it going up some, but don’t want to be a blob either.

texas method or ws4sb