Training Twice a Week Full Body vs Push/Pull/Legs?

Firstly let me say I am just a guy who trains and this is just what I used. I’m not saying its the best and there are probably many other better or great 2 day programs from recognized coaches on this forum / website that you could use. The best program for you is going to be something that you will stick to and give the appropriate effort to. Consistency, effort and time are the three most important factors to get better in my opinion.

This is about as basic and old school as it gets, it will work if your consistency and effort is good and your recovery and food is right. If you aren’t progressing week to week then your either under recovering or under eating. It doesn’t really matter what exercises you use, but I would try to stick with as many big compound movements as you can do.

  1. Squat 3 x 10 (if you don’t want to do 3x10 squat the other option is to do a set of 20 followed by a set of 15 but as the weights progress it gets nasty !!)
  2. Bench press 3 x 8 (I also did a set of 5 pull ups in between the sets of bench)
  3. Bent over barbell row 3 x 8
  4. Military press 3 x 8 (I also did a set of 5 pull ups in between the sets of OH)
  5. Deadlift 3 x 8 (I did SLDL for about 1 year before moving to conventional, but any deadlift variation is fine)
  6. Barbell curls 3 x 10
  7. Added some sort of abs at the end. Weighted sit ups, ab wheel rollouts, knee raises …… whatever you like really.

Given your restrictions you could substitute Front squat, maybe pull downs or band pull aparts or rear lateral raises for pull ups, and incline bench or dips for OH press. Try to pick exercises you will allow for progression over time. Whilst a lateral raise might be good at giving you a shoulder pump, its hard to continue to progress with bigger and bigger dumbells so wont give you the same training effect as an oh press.

The main focus on this type of program is to progress either weight or reps every session. Maybe start a little lighter to give you a week or so to get used the plan. Aim to add 5-10lbs to the bar every session or week. If you hit the reps for all 3 sets you add weight simple as that. If you don’t hit all the reps, so lets say for squat you get 10, 9, 7 then the next session you get more reps until you hit 10, 10, 10 and then you add weight.

If you are stalling and aren’t progressing for a few sessions then look back at my point about under recovery or under eating this is normally the issue with most people who aren’t progressing. Either that or your consistency and effort is not on par.