Training for Long Term Weight Cut

First and foremost you need to decide what’s important to you. Do you want to be strong, do you want to be lean, do you want to have a muscular physique. Each goal will have different approaches

Regardless of your goal consistency over time will be your number one tool. Start today and push as hard as you can everyday until you hit your goal and then push some more.

If it were me I’d set an attainable goal for one month, 3 months, and a final goal.

I’m more of a fan of the recomp for a beginner. You will still have a ton of potential to put on muscle and that added muscle will aid in becoming leaner. I’d shoot to get 250 grams of protein 250 carbs and like 50 grams of fat. That would give you a 40/40/20 ratio at around 2400 calories. Eat good quality food and put in the work and you’ll make progress. Shit look at the softy I was at the beginning of my log lol.