Keys to progress - Mc Callum
Brawn - Mc Roberts
Dynosaur Training - Kubik
Super Squats - Strossen
Get Buffed - King
Black Book - Thibadeau

Speaking of books on training… has anyone read “Singles and Doubles: How the ordinary become extraordinarty”? I think some of the stuff in there could be interesting, but I’m a little hesitant to buy the book without hearing some positive feedback first.

what do you guys thinkok body opus

Based on your response I’m guessing you are not familiar with Westside’s training. They are the “posterboy” of why you can’t add weight at every workout, so much so that they won’t even do 2 workouts back to back with added weight on the bar.

Dr. Colgan is a nutritional/supplementation researcher not unlike the Life Extension Foundation. DO NOT follow his training programs, they are a joke.