Training 6 Days a Week

Ugh, this world.

Have you tried it or seen anyone post great results yet? Ive seen multiple posters report feeling burnt out.

Stuff like rest pause/going beyond failure AND for 6 days a week is like the worst thing I could think of for a natural. Certainly for long term strength progression.

This “volume is the devil” thing from Thib is a big about-turn from a lot of his highly effective routines he’s posted over last few years

Not flaming just genuinely curious.

I think you have to be really intelligent with your exercise choices for the program to work the way he imagined it. A lot of machine and isolation stuff to keep the neural stress down. I gave it a go earlier in the summer but didn’t stick with it long enough to give it a fair shake. I don’t care for chasing a pump that much so I’m sure I’d have bailed anyway, but my setup at home isn’t really great for the isolation stuff.

I’m currently following his strength version of the program which is recommended 3 on/1 off and feeling pretty good about it!

Of course I read that program. I was willing to try it. When I was writing down workout plan according his program I felt like it is too easy, too weak… I believe when he says it is best for natty but I would feel ashamed, unsatisfied if I would go easier workout then I used to.

This is why only people who have never done steroids keep saying “…for a natty” when talking about training methods. They don’t know what they are talking about. They are just parroting what they read online.

Tolerance to training frequency and volume is individual regardless of whether you are on steroids or not. So are the gains derived.

You will find steroid users who use very low volume because anything more than that does not reap additional returns.

You will also find natties who train 6 days a week with high volume.

You need to find what is optimal for YOU.

Training 6 days a week is not the problem. THIS is the problem.

Do you train with the goal of progressing or to make yourself tired?


I’ve seen a few on his forum. Quite a few of the posters said they pulled out early or changed the program which obviously skews results.

It is difficult to decipher the results as most people would see results if they went from a 3 or 4 day split to this kind of training.

Tbh I did actually like the look of it. The 35-45min sessions and the rest-pause stuff especially. I haven’t had the time lately to give it a go, but if I was looking to build mass for a 6-8 week cycle, I would definitely try it out.

Yes I can definitely sympathize with that reasoning. This is why I would only use it as a mass cycle instead of a 6month progression.

My dear old dad - rest his soul - used to go out and work a laborious job five to six days a week, 8+ hours a day. This often involved picking up and carrying very heavy objects - odd shaped ones no less, to really burn out the CNS.

He managed this for over 55 years with hardly a break to it (retired at 70). Now we have boys in their prime who can’t handle 45 minutes of activity -
of which about 5-10 minutes is hard work for more than 2 weeks.


Exactly right! I have worked with many experienced farmers and roofers and brickies who do back breaking work 6 to 7 days a week and show me up in both the strength and conditioning side of the work. They do this with 2-3 ‘deload weeks’ a year and manage to not fall apart.

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Well said mate. My old man done dry stone walling. Just lifting rocks all day and laying them down. Brutal work. Any chat of ‘recovery’ would have had him looking at me like I had two heads and then being called a wimp.

I can’t even imagine what he would have said if I told him that working so hard might be affecting his ‘testosterone levels’. Probably something along the lines of ‘testosterone doesn’t pay bills’

The biggest/most ripped guys in my work/gym are the ones who are in almost every day, just working out

The amount of overthinking/analysis nowadays re training is mind boggling.


It’s paralysis by analysis. There are too many choices and people become overwhelmed when given too many choices.


Exactly mate. You now have guys on here practically asking for permission to do a workout.

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Come on guys, this is no laughing matter. Do you know how many deaths result from overtraining during the 4th week of boot camp? Shit, I knew a guy who just collapsed and expired from adrenal fatigue after he was made to stay in position and do partials when he couldn’t do any more push-ups.

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I live on cortisol. I actually use it for energy in a similar fashion to ketosis and ketones

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