Training 4 Days vs 6 Days a Week

Hi CT,

Got a few questions on your ‘best damn workout plan for natural lifters’ and the number of days training per week:

The program consists of 6 days a week but in another article you mentioned the benefits of off days = growth days throughout the week with 4 training days and 3 off/growth a week best for a natural lifter.

  1. I like the idea of off/growth days so how do you justify the 6 days a week training vs 4 days a week training?

Am I able to implement an accumulation and intensification protocol for this program:

  1. Could I run the best damn workout for accumulation and best damn strength workout for intensification?
  2. Could I alternate every 3-4 weeks, how could this look like?

In terms of hypertrophy, the main lifts (bench, squat , military) in best damn workout and best damn strength don’t use high rep sets eg 8-12 rep, rather using 4-6 reps

  1. I’m similar to you where I prefer low rep training, but can you explain why none of the main lifts use high reps for hypertrophy and why what you have prescribed (4-6 reps + rest pause) is better or equal for hypertrophy?

Thanks a lot for the help, can’t wait to get started on this program…