Trainer Re-Created The Colorado Experiment

It appears they didn’t even bother changing clothes?

What even is a nautilus machine? It sounds like something from the Matrix trilogy.

Oooooh buddy, don’t go down that rabbit hole.

It’s the Scientology of resistance training.


The experiment certainly did wonders for that first guys right shoulder/neck.

Bill Starr wrote that Viator personally told him that he was taking healthy doses of drugs and sneaking out at night to the T to lift with free weights. He was also a formerly very muscular guy coming back from a layoff.


That’s what people trying to cash in on any program by likening it to the “Colorado experiment” always leave out too.

Viator was already a monster who suffered an injury and stopped training for a little bit. Then he went back on his usual gear - which he admitted in later interviews was pretty high dosed and some pretty strong stuff.

So plenty of additional training and plenty of PEDs,… yeah, that would work much better than what Jones wrote that his prescribed program entailed.



Needs to be moved back (assuming it was started there) to Dardens forum so his fans will actually see it and respond.

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Bill Starr said not to deadlift, can he be trusted?



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Did he say not to romanian deadlift or good morning though?

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Starr wrote to deadlift many times. He just wrote that you could build the deadlift without doing it regularly. Which he did he pulled I believe in the high 600s at 180-190 or so without using it in training. Someone who’s decently built to pull can easily do it using power cleans./olympic pulls, good mornings and rows.


Darden fan here. Looks like typical 4 week progression from what I can tell. But let me emphasize that telling anything from these photos is difficult because they chose to pose differently, which is a major faux pas in measuring progress. I would be interested in trying out the Colorado experiment routine sometime, but I don’t believe my progress would be that much different from anything else I’d be doing.


Exactly… his best dead was 666 in a meet.

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Interestingly enough I had Mark Rippetoe accuse me of being dumb for thinking you could build a strong deadlift without deadlifting…even though Mark said so as well in Starting Strength…primarily because he stole all his good ideas from Bill Starr…who also had much better ideas about training than Arthur Jones…


I’d like this post, but I’m not sure its going to stick around long enough to be worth it.


Lets be honest… Mark couldn’t hold Bills jock strap if he tried.


For @pettersson @melisnmatt @fitafter40 and, as he recently posted on the forum for the first time in nearly 8 years, @Michael_Petrella - the trainer who performed the experiment.

I can see more thickness in the muscles of the upper body from the before and after photos…lower body not so much

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