Total Loss of Libido. Help?

Hey @unreal24278,
I know for a fact that I don’t have Klinefelters syndrome. My testicular size is above average (attested by multiple doctors).

Reading more about (Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome) PAIS is making me a bit worried. I do have subcoronal hypospadias. However, my testicular and penile size makes me believe that I do not have PAIS. Is there way to know for sure whether I have PAIS or not?

Johann77, I agree that ACTH stimulation testing would be appropriate followup testing to the 24 Hour Saliva Cortisol test. Whether a person has Cushing’s or Addison’s disease has nothing to do whatsoever with the accuracy of the test. That would be like saying a Serum Testosterone test is only valid in individuals that are either hypogonadal or on cycle. The test shows an accurate cortisol number to what is freely available in the person’s body. Again, it is very accurate and we’ll leave it at that.

No it’s not and you don’t seem to understand the difference between a tests positive and negative predictive value.

It’s useless to diagnose adrenal insufficiency.

Please at least try to understand that even if a test is able to measure something accurately it doesn’t mean automatically that it’s a useful diagnostic assay.

Read this to understand the basics of what negative and positive predictive levels means.

And as I am tired of responding to bro science bla bla I will stop here.


ACTH stimulation would be the followup test to see if the adrenals are incapable of producing cortisol. The saliva cortisol test will 100% show flat lined levels at each of the 4-6 different times throughout the collection of the 24 hours. If cortisol shows low, but they pass the ACTH stimulation test this only means that their adrenals are capable of producing cortisol given a stressful situation (Cosyntropin stimulates the stress response). However, if their underlying problem(s) are not addressed their adrenal function WILL weaken overtime and they WILL fail the ACTH stim. test down the road. Infections (bacteria/virus/fungus), stress, etc. are often present in these people and they need to figure it out.

He posted some strong evidence to the contrary. Maybe you could post something supporting your position?

To the OP: your problems are in your head. That is not to say that they aren’t real, just that hormones are not the issue. What effect does a Viagra or Cialis have on your problem? Any?

Hi @systemlord,
My IGF1 and DHT results have arrived.

IGF-1 (Somatomedin C) 171 ng/mL (88-537)
DHT 909.16 pg/mL (250-990)

Please guide me further.

Wow, excellent DHT, IGF-1 is great as well. It’s as I suspected, estrogen dominance. The best sure way to decrease aromatization is through exercise. Maybe your diet is partly to blame. I would NOT recommend 1mg anastrozole/arimidex, but a much smaller dosage, less than a quarter of a pill.

The problem is getting a doctor to listen.

3b androstanediol (metabolite of DHT…) is known to be an agonist of the estrogen receptor… DHT itself appears to have a subsequently similar mechanism… involves binding to the receptors and lowering RNA transcription at the point wherein estrogen binds to ER’s.

Agreed, unless the individual has PAIS

So, you are saying high DHT makes the high Estradiol worse since its metabolite act as an estrogen receptor agonist?