Too Much Protein?

Im reading this article in Mens Health and it says…
Myth: If you want to build muscle, you have to eat protein, protein, PROTEIN!
Fact: You need more protein than the average guy, sure. But too much protein can actually retard muscle growth.

Your muscle is largely made of protein, so weight lifters obviously need to eat more of it than the average guy. But if you get more than 25% of your calories from protein, you’ll actually start to suppress your bodys production of testosterone.

is this true?

[quote]jck524 wrote:
Im reading this article in Mens Health and it says…
Myth: If you want to build muscle, you have to eat protein, protein, PROTEIN!
Fact: You need more protein than the average guy, sure. But too much protein can actually retard muscle growth.

Your muscle is largely made of protein, so weight lifters obviously need to eat more of it than the average guy. But if you get more than 25% of your calories from protein, you’ll actually start to suppress your bodys production of testosterone.

is this true?[/quote]


Fact : you body can only metabolize a certain amount of protein, if you consume more it will only be used as energy instead of building tissue, but it won’t do any harm otherwise. (unless you consume stupid high amounts for a long period of time, then you might get kidney problems)

for building mass, around 0.75 - 1g protein per lbs of bodyweight per day for a male, if you want to be on the “safe side” maybe 1.5g per day

I’m definetly not the man to ask if exessive protein intake is bad for you or not but what i do know for certain is that i use to crap more often than usual when i took lots of protein in high school.

as said before the ideal amount of protein to consume is 1-1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. if you weight 200lbs you should consume that much or a little bit more in grams of protein

Only nine ounces a day? What kind of kidney damage arewe talking about? Who said that? What if you are injured?

I disagree. If you are healthy, it won’t hurt you.

Researchers at Brigham and Women�??s Hospital (BWH) have found that high-protein diets may be associated with kidney function decline in women who already have mildly reduced kidney function. On further analysis, the risk was only significant for animal proteins, indicating that the source of protein may be an important factor. Researchers observed no association between high protein intake and decline in kidney function in women with normally functioning kidneys. These findings appear in the March 18 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine.

[quote]Damner wrote:
I’m definetly not the man to ask if exessive protein intake is bad for you or not but what i do know for certain is that i use to crap more often than usual when i took lots of protein in high school. [/quote]

Ha why did you even post on this thread?

If you want to be one of the big boys on the block you are likely going to have to eat a lot of protein at some point. Safety is a non issue if you adequately hydrate yourself as long as you don’t have a pre existing condition. I regularly eat in the 400-450 gram range and I’m growing faster than every one of my friends around me(certainely not genetics at this point, and not drugs) because most of them are eating 150-200 grams tops.

Is protein the end all be all of muscle building, no, but it’s pretty damn important in my opinion. Eat 2xbodyweight in protein(and 2 gallons of water minimum) for 6 months and try to become the strongest guy in your gym for reps and see what happens to your physique.

Here’s an interesting article on the subject:

[quote]scottiscool wrote:
Damner wrote:
I’m definetly not the man to ask if exessive protein intake is bad for you or not but what i do know for certain is that i use to crap more often than usual when i took lots of protein in high school.

Ha why did you even post on this thread?

If you want to be one of the big boys on the block you are likely going to have to eat a lot of protein at some point. Safety is a non issue if you adequately hydrate yourself as long as you don’t have a pre existing condition. I regularly eat in the 400-450 gram range and I’m growing faster than every one of my friends around me(certainely not genetics at this point, and not drugs) because most of them are eating 150-200 grams tops.

Is protein the end all be all of muscle building, no, but it’s pretty damn important in my opinion. Eat 2xbodyweight in protein(and 2 gallons of water minimum) for 6 months and try to become the strongest guy in your gym for reps and see what happens to your physique. [/quote]

2 gallons of water? That sounds like you spend your days pretty mych drinking water. You must be generically huge.

[quote]scottiscool wrote:
Eat 2xbodyweight in protein(and 2 gallons of water minimum) for 6 months and try to become the strongest guy in your gym for reps and see what happens to your physique. [/quote]

What do you mean be the strongest guy in your gym for reps?

[quote]Damner wrote:
scottiscool wrote:

If you want to be one of the big boys on the block you are likely going to have to eat a lot of protein at some point. Safety is a non issue if you adequately hydrate yourself as long as you don’t have a pre existing condition. I regularly eat in the 400-450 gram range and I’m growing faster than every one of my friends around me(certainely not genetics at this point, and not drugs) because most of them are eating 150-200 grams tops.

Is protein the end all be all of muscle building, no, but it’s pretty damn important in my opinion. Eat 2xbodyweight in protein(and 2 gallons of water minimum) for 6 months and try to become the strongest guy in your gym for reps and see what happens to your physique.

2 gallons of water? That sounds like you spend your days pretty mych drinking water. You must be generically huge.

It is not difficult to get 2 gallons of water. Every day wake up and do cardio on the stepper for 30min. Drink 1litre during the session. After while taking a shower and getting dressed drink another. During the morning drink another litre.

Now for training do the same…presto 2 gallons of water. And that is not including the water drank with the protein shakes and just regular water during afternoon.

You just built up to it.

At some point you will need to consume more than the 300grams per day. The need to create muscle tissue will not come from carbs or fat. If you want to control fat gain what other macro will you consume? Fat??? Carbs???

[quote]joburnet wrote:
scottiscool wrote:
Eat 2xbodyweight in protein(and 2 gallons of water minimum) for 6 months and try to become the strongest guy in your gym for reps and see what happens to your physique.

What do you mean be the strongest guy in your gym for reps?[/quote]

Means that maxes aren’t as important (1rep max) but for sets of 5reps or more try to get stronger and stronger. Max will guide your strenght, but the hypertroph will come from the food and the medium reps.

Remember you can’t flex bone.

What I meant was you can sometimes find guys who can say squat/dead 500 and bench mid 300s-400 for singles that aren’t exceptionally muscular. The chances of finding some that can squat/dead 500x15 and bench press 405x10 who isn’t carrying around more muscle mass than the average gym goer is highly unlikely in my opinion.

[quote]Damner wrote:

2 gallons of water? That sounds like you spend your days pretty mych drinking water. You must be generically huge.

Ha you are correct, I have foregone a life in order to satiate my hydration issues. No man it’s not too hard. I have a couple pitchers that are a gallon each and one half gallon. I fill one with ice and water, one with water and some crystal lite type stuff(store brand, just as good) and if I’m on the ball the 1/2 gallon with green tea. I’ve always been a big drinker of fluids with meals, usually 32-48 oz worth and it’s simply a matter of having water/crystal lite/green tea in front of me all day. If I’m reading I’ve got the pitcher next to me, if I’m at my computer I’ve got one sitting there. If it’s there I’ll drink it. It sounds stupid, but already having it filled up makes a world of difference of whether or not I will get the water down. Oh but I do piss about 500 times a day haha, but I’d rather be safe than sorry in this game.

Lots of water also means waking up at night which for means another chance to get more protein in.

And I’m not sure what you meant about generically huge, I’m a baby in the bodybuilding game at 205ish on 5’8, but I want to be one of the big dogs so this is the path I follow.

scottiscool you reek of bs

and for the original poster MH is right excessive protein intake does reduce testosterone go read it up on medical sites

[quote]Raziel wrote:

scottiscool you reek of bs

and for the original poster MH is right excessive protein intake does reduce testosterone go read it up on medical sites[/quote]

Said the guy who’s 6’ 2" 190 lbs. Scott has demonstrated his knowledge on tis site many, many times, and there is no doubt that what he posts is definably NOT bs.

Now go eat something, twiggy.

[quote]Raziel wrote:

scottiscool you reek of bs

and for the original poster MH is right excessive protein intake does reduce testosterone go read it up on medical sites[/quote]

Maybe sometimes my irish spring soap, but usually not BS.

I have heard and read some opinions that too much protein can be detrimental to hormone production but it obviously doesn’t hurt the 1000s of bodybuilders who seem to grow despite not listening(or caring) about what a researcher who doesn’t know what a gym looks like tells them they should do.

Edited so what I was saying actually made sense

[quote]Brant_Drake wrote:
Raziel wrote:

scottiscool you reek of bs

and for the original poster MH is right excessive protein intake does reduce testosterone go read it up on medical sites

Said the guy who’s 6’ 2" 190 lbs. Scott has demonstrated his knowledge on tis site many, many times, and there is no doubt that what he posts is definably NOT bs.

Now go eat something, twiggy.[/quote]

Brant Drake is my hero!!!

[quote]scottiscool wrote:
Damner wrote:

2 gallons of water? That sounds like you spend your days pretty mych drinking water. You must be generically huge.

Ha you are correct, I have foregone a life in order to satiate my hydration issues. No man it’s not too hard. I have a couple pitchers that are a gallon each and one half gallon. I fill one with ice and water, one with water and some crystal lite type stuff(store brand, just as good) and if I’m on the ball the 1/2 gallon with green tea. I’ve always been a big drinker of fluids with meals, usually 32-48 oz worth and it’s simply a matter of having water/crystal lite/green tea in front of me all day. If I’m reading I’ve got the pitcher next to me, if I’m at my computer I’ve got one sitting there. If it’s there I’ll drink it. It sounds stupid, but already having it filled up makes a world of difference of whether or not I will get the water down. Oh but I do piss about 500 times a day haha, but I’d rather be safe than sorry in this game.

Lots of water also means waking up at night which for means another chance to get more protein in. [/quote]

agreed, go pick up a handy half gallon water bottle, and fill it up with water and carry it around through out the day, flavor it if you like, and youll be surprised how much you end up drinking if its right in front of you. i also back up what has already been stated 1-1.5g per lbs. if you are dinking enough water, protein will only turn into energy if you take in “to much”. remember four calories per protien, your body knows whats its doing, trust it.

You’re quoting from one of the most hopelessly metro magazines ever published. All they concern themselves with is for men to have smaller waists and be more in touch with their “femenine side.”

When I think of Men’s Health magazine, I picture a saggy man curling a 15lb dumbbell.