Too Much Protein?

Hi all,

Is there a certain point where eating too much protein a day is bad for you? And if so, what is the amount of grams where it becomes too much?

Also, is it horrible to eat a huge amount of protein in one sitting and why or why not?

I hope it’s not bad for you. I just finished off a 16 oz. rib-eye. According to my calculations, I just had about 132g of protein.

If it’s wrong - I don’t want to be right.

The side effects for that much protein depend on the source.

The biggest thing you’ll notice with an extremely high protein intake or relative protein intake is constipation; This usually works itself out with sufficient fiber.

Check out JB’s Protein Prejudice.

I heard on the news that consuming protein before 12 o’clock is bad for you, that your body should start off slow.
My doctor tells me too much protein is bad for you. My parents say it’ll kill me. :confused: lol

[quote]rainjack wrote:
I hope it’s not bad for you. I just finished off a 16 oz. rib-eye. According to my calculations, I just had about 132g of protein.

If it’s wrong - I don’t want to be right.[/quote]

Man does that make me hungry.
Onions? Mushrooms?
Oh wow, I have to go brush my teeth with a weight vest on.

None of that. Just plain old beef cooked to perfection on a brand new propane grill.

I love PF meals.

drew, your question could not be more timely because it’s one of the myths debunked in the most recent article.

TriGWU your post too could not have come at a better time, because the Protein Prejudice is also discussed in detail in the current article section (The Protein Debate).


Well, yes, but at the same time, I guess if you tried to eat 80kg of protien at a sitting, it might not be good for you… hmmm.

Something to think about… :wink:

Yeah yeah, I know, but it’s not like this thread was actually going to go anywhere.

i had 32 oz last friday of sirloin (a bargain).

I am still alive. i didn’t eat for over a day, though.

You see i have drank over 5 lbs. of Grow! already since i have restarted my workout program. Will drinking alot of protein shakes (i drink mine with 2% fat milk) have an affect on my kidneys? I am basically talking about kidney stones. My family have no history of it; but should i be worried regardless…should there be a “down” of “off” time with protein shakes? Thats alot of calcium I consume. I do drink only and lots of water. I keep my sweets and heavy sugar stuff down…i don’t even bother adding any into the shakes.