TLC'S Obesity Program

I can’t remeber the name of the exact rehab center for the extremely obese. Anyways,

That show has become my weekly mental/reality check-in. No I am not obese at 5,3 140lbs, elite athlete I am far from fitting into their catagory.

However, that show just makes me realizes how we are all just a decision away from making good or bad choices.

I cannot watch that show and eat at the same time. I use that show as a reminder just how hard I work and that its all worth it.

I use it as a psychological reminder that I will always have to monitor what I eat and that certain foods will always remain on a do not touch list.

The show really does gross me out and I’m sorry to say this but it does. But it also helps look at the patterns that overweight/obese people have and if I could not move at all as they can’t I would probably eat my way to death as well.

Do you realize how damn bored these people are, how they have absolutely nothing going for them? They are depressed and sick and even the possibility of death does not shake them from eating 10 000 kcals a day!

Just my two cents!!

Brookhaven is the name I think. Barbiegirl, I saw this show for the first time last night and my jaw was on the floor the whole time. Not just because of how fat these people were but more so because of how these people let themselves get that way.

The guy with the swelling in his leg who couldn’t even stop eating long enough so they could operate was just pitiful. He’s been living in that place 2 years and hasn’t made any progress.

The hair dresser seemed like she might actually be able to make some progress but I wonder about her knowledge of eating right as I see her kid is already turning into a doughboy

I don’t think any of them succeed. And to be brutaly honnest I don’t think the program is very good regarding food wise. I mean to go from eating 8 000 to 10 000 kcals a day, some a little bit less for I think they average around 7 000kcals a day, then to drop suddenly to 1500 and even some times 1200 kcals a day I mean come on.

Imagine how much it costs to send someone there…

Anyways, that show is my reality check and it motivates me to work hard and eat well.

Do you know what time it’s on? I just might catch it, after your review. It piqued my curiosity

Yeah I saw it last night as well. It’s Brookhaven Obesity Clinic in New York. It’s very sad and unfortunate.

The guy with the swollen left leg really has a problem. He can’t stop eating and lose enough weight to have surgery. He mentioned he had lost 38 pounds, but gained it all back. It seemed like he was fine having his leg amputated, which is unfortunate.

The hairdresser wanted to act like a drama queen and seemed like she was too concerned about her looks than her health. I feel really bad for her husband. He has one arm and has cared for her every step of the way and doesn’t want to lose her. She wants the quick fix (gastric bypass) but he is afraid to lose her. She was very bossy and treated him like dirt.

The lady who had the large tumors on her legs had the the best attitude and personality, and was dedicated to losing weight in order to have surgery.

Zen Warrior, it’s on at 11pm Central Time on TLC.

I am late to post in this thread, but I just caught the episodes that were recently on…holy shit.

Too much to be said, but I think the problem for these people stems from past experiences even so, there was a new episode where a it took a guy 15 minutes to walk 50 feet from his car with the aid of a walking device.

The success rate at Brookhaven is terribly low and patients are allowed to cheat and order take out, while they are taking a limited spot from someone would could benefit from the help. That place seems to serve as just a comfort lodge for fat people who can’t take care of themselves and can’t change.

I take it the place most receive financial payment by insurance companies and sad to say but I think weight loss doesn’t seem to be stressed there.

This may sound negative but after abusing your body for years and weighing over 600 pounds in your 40’s and 50’s there isn’t much recovery your body can do. Wow you lost 100 pounds of your past 600 and you only have one heart attack a year. Getting to that point takes some dedication.

I know food addiction blah blah, but at the same time I think people love to pass the blame and not take control (psychologically there is a certain type that falls into this death spiral), when has addiction become the end all be all excuse provider?

Oh did I make anti-semitic remarks, did I abuse my partner…oh I was drunk and I am an addict…

P.S. The 27 year-old ex gang member who had two heart attacks in a year and said he knew he would be dead by 30…what can you do at that point?

I just wonder who pays for the food and living arrangements.

Anyone who has not seen this show should take a look.

Here is the times it comes on. I found it impossible to eat during this, not because of any irrational fear of becoming fat or some sort of wake up call just very unhygienic and hard to watch.

Here is one clip for those who may not be able to see it, though this is not from the Brookhaven show I believe.

I want to create a hardcore obesity center where all they can possibly eat is vegetables and lean meats. Along with that they would be on DNP, PGCL, Var & T3. There would be no cheat meals whatsoever. I gurantee if they gave me the legal right to keep them there, they would lose the weight pretty damn fast.

[quote]EmperialChina wrote:
I just wonder who pays for the food and living arrangements.

I wondered the same thing. Seems like a waste of money for a lot of these people. in one of the episode the doctor even said that about two-thirds of the patients would end up dead within a couple years anyway from their lack of commitment/will power. i think this show says a lot about human nature

[quote]barbiegirl wrote:
However, that show just makes me realizes how we are all just a decision away from making good or bad choices.

Ummm yeah, one decision? I’ll bet it wasn’t just one Big Mac that put them over the top.

[quote]barbiegirl wrote:
I can’t remeber the name of the exact rehab center for the extremely obese. Anyways,

That show has become my weekly mental/reality check-in. No I am not obese at 5,3 140lbs, elite athlete I am far from fitting into their catagory.

However, that show just makes me realizes how we are all just a decision away from making good or bad choices.

I cannot watch that show and eat at the same time. I use that show as a reminder just how hard I work and that its all worth it.

I use it as a psychological reminder that I will always have to monitor what I eat and that certain foods will always remain on a do not touch list.

The show really does gross me out and I’m sorry to say this but it does. But it also helps look at the patterns that overweight/obese people have and if I could not move at all as they can’t I would probably eat my way to death as well.

Do you realize how damn bored these people are, how they have absolutely nothing going for them? They are depressed and sick and even the possibility of death does not shake them from eating 10 000 kcals a day!

Just my two cents!![/quote]

Ha ha ha… I once watched that show while eating a quart of Fluffernutter ice cream. Delicious.

[quote]Mr. Clean & Jerk wrote:
Ha ha ha… I once watched that show while eating a quart of Fluffernutter ice cream. Delicious.[/quote]

See, this is how it starts. One day you’re sitting on the couch stuffing your face with fluffernutter. Tomorrow Richard Simmons is in a thong and tanktop crying by your bedside. :slight_smile:

I was most amazed by the level of denial. The man with the lymphodima (sP?)was told he could not have it removed unless he lost weight…yet he was downstairs waiting for the take-out food he ordered along with the other patients who were cheating. I think he even said food is not the reason he couldn’t lose the weight. They even had a $10,000 custom wheelchair built for this guy and they had to widen the doorway so he could fit into the room, and still he was so ungrateful to the point he was making threats to leave.

I couldn’t help but think that if I could not MOVE (nevermind walk) or breathe well, and had a poison filled growth on my leg, would that be enough to make me change?

This program is sad and insightful at the same time.

[quote]EmperialChina wrote:
Here is one clip for those who may not be able to see it, though this is not from the Brookhaven show I believe.


Holy crap. More ridiculous than being so fat you haven’t left the bed in 10 years…is the fact that his family members (who buy all of his food) are the main reason he’s still that fat.

You have to blame his entire “support system” and not just him. Who here would keep shoving food down a loved one’s throat when they were too fat to sit up?

One thing important they did touch on is the fact that many of these people either completely lie about how much they actually eat, or they are so much in denial that they have forced themselves to believe those 12 trips to Kentucky Fried Chicken actually added up to only 2,000cals a day. With that in mind, obesity isn’t a disease but in most cases a severe mental disorder. Why else would someone eat until they couldn’t even fix their own food?

And why would someone’s father add that many scoops of butter to his son’s rice when his son takes up an entire room by himself?

You can’t even laugh at this shit.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
With that in mind, obesity isn’t a disease but in most cases a severe mental disorder. Why else would someone eat until they couldn’t even fix their own food?

In 1 episode they did address the idea that fat people have fewer dopamine receptors and need to eat more to achieve the same amount of pleasure that a normal person would get from a much smaller meal. They said its like a drug addict. The longer you use, the more drugs you need to get the same high. Same with food apparently. It probably has to be a vicious cycle too because what other pleasure does a bedridden 700 pound man have except eating.

[quote]robo1 wrote:
It probably has to be a vicious cycle too because what other pleasure does a bedridden 700 pound man have except eating.[/quote]

Can he masterbate? These people should just be put out of their misery.

I would really like to see the statistics for how weight issues affect other countries. Does the US have the largest population of fatties?

robo1 wrote:
It probably has to be a vicious cycle too because what other pleasure does a bedridden 700 pound man have except eating.

Can he masterbate? These people should just be put out of their misery.

I would really like to see the statistics for how weight issues affect other countries. Does the US have the largest population of fatties?[/quote]

I am sure this is one of the few places on the planet where you can literally be too fat to work, walk, or even breath on your own…yet you get fed like a king on a daily basis.

In third world countries, these people would have died off long before their 8th chin erupted.

[quote]EmperialChina wrote:
Here is one clip for those who may not be able to see it, though this is not from the Brookhaven show I believe.


I like how his family says that if they don’t feed him, someone else will. Meaning that they are completely controlled by a 700lb man who can’t even get out of bed to use the bathroom.

They say if they don’t give him what he wants he’ll use his cell phone and order food. Well take the damn phone away! It’s not like he can chase you down and take it back!

He needs some tough love with a side of vegetables, not hot dogs and fried chicken.

I have only seen the promos for this during ads.

There is this part where they show the back of one male mess, my first thought was “damn look at how wide his back is.”

I think I have issues