Tips for the Squat

@khmccarthy Hmmm that is a very good question…If you can do them hands free, I’d just tell you to hold a plate against your chest. But a hands free nordic hamstring curl is no joke! Maybe try raising your arms above you head until you can get them without hitting the push-up position at the bottom to add some weight. Once you can do that, progress to hands free. if you can do them, then I think holding a plate would be the next viable option.

As far as the injury…I am still dealing with it. I saw the surgeon this morning and i will need surgery in the near future but I am going to try to get through Nationals before I have to take the time off. The best advice I can give (from previous injuries) is to follow the physical therapist’s instructions exactly. You want to push it, but a lot of people re-injure by trying to do too much too fast. I am not saying to take it easy, but you have to be smart about when to push it and when not to.

That and tell your friend to stay in motion as much as possible. Blood heals and you can’t get blood to it if you are not using it. Contrast soaking (ice water/Hot water) also does a lot to speed up recovery. i hope that helps brother!