Timed Carries?

I’ve wanted to include timed carries as part of the 5/3/1 Dave Tate Time Under Tension assistance work. That seem to be in line with the philosophy?
Squat - Yoke Carry
Deadlift - Farmers
Press - Overhead


Don’t forget plate hug walks on bench day.

I’ve tried carrying a kettlebell palm-squeezed in front, but it feels like another shoulder movement…

[quote]ns182 wrote:
I’ve tried carrying a kettlebell palm-squeezed in front, but it feels like another shoulder movement…[/quote]

You’re probably internally rotating your shoulders, try again with your shoulder blades pinned right back and down. Stop when you feel your shoulders rolling forward.

You can’t get totally away from shoulder involvement though. Hugs will probably work better too, as already suggested

Interestingly I never thought about the internal rotation taking away from my chest… Definitely were rotated. Seems hard to get a good contraction on the chest, but I’ll try the hug. Any suggestions on technique would be appreciated.

Also, any input on this fitting with the other the TUT would be appreciated.
