TikTok is the Worst Social Media App

Yep. By a bunch of people who think they are more intelligent than the performers on there. Cause when you’re watching a stupid person perform something stupid that doesn’t make you stupid right?!

People said the same stuff about vines, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. It’s not like older generations are faring better. My Facebook which has a lot of conservative people and plenty over say 50 sharing anti vaccine nonsense. And the one that has really got me scratching my head is they share like a picture of money or something and it says if you pass this on great wealth will come your way amen or something. Fucking stupid shit.

20 year old snorting preworkout powder for views is an idiot. But so is the 65 year old sharing Qanon shit and thinking the military is going to put Trump back in power tomorrow. No need to discriminate based on age.

The internet was a mistake. But we’re all addicted so fuck it.


People have always been dumb, we’re just exposed to more of them now.


I always think of the way the internet worked in Ender’s Game and think that Orson Scott Card doesn’t understand human nature at all.

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And easily convinced of some conspiracy, usually based on something religious, and brought to mob violence.


Open your eyes you sheep - the Earth is Flat!



The Illuminati have been using this to their advantage for centuries.

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wash, rinse, repeat

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I think we need to bring back the Knight’s Templar. I would apply for that organization…


If anything is going to stop those 5g towers giving you Coronavirus, it’s going to be that full plate armour.


I was hoping we could make the armor out of Kevlar nowadays, but I forgot about the 5G virus distribution network…


Similarly, there’s that observation of how the internet has facilitated the gathering of like-minded folks of all flavors, no matter how obscure/extreme/radical their views/musings/ravings

As in, we’ve all got that “crazy” uncle/aunt who everyone just kind of gives a wider berth too at the family gatherings. And our earlier villages/settlements would’ve had the same. Basically some small percentage of any population who’s just gonna be wired that way. (a perhaps interesting question is whether there’s an adaptive benefit to this phenomenon)

Anyway, now they can “unite” and find themselves encouraged/reinforced/emboldened in powerful ways that, throughout our entire history, was otherwise impossible

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I don’t think it’s that small.

In terms of crazy, it’s prob similar proportions to what it’s always been. But as mentioned, they’re now empowered/emboldened in ways that were never previously possible.

And of course you nailed this aspect of it:

In terms of dumb, I’d wager this number is indeed increasing (ie. decades of defunding education, global trends re: the more education, the fewer progeny, etc)

What’s absurd is how in the past, the masses were illiterate and uneducated and easily manipulated while we now have educated masses who are still easily manipulated. So I don’t know if it’s a question of education.


Reluctant to say they’re “educated”… As most lack emotional continence and independent thought.

Academically educated. Emotional intellect requires insight, mindfulness… Two commodities of which many totally lack

Mindfulness requires not being a self centred dickhead all the time. Given the sheer amount of people who are only out there to benefit themselves I’d wager our society is woefully lacking in mindfulness.

Insight and independent thought? Not in Australia… The latter is particularly discouraged.

Also you’ve got a lot of operations designed to mislead people. A lot of the stuff the average right winger is outraged about is actually coming from right wingers trying to outrage those people. I’m sure the left does as well. These things are common and it’s elaborate what the people do to avoid getting caught. Just so they can sell you this is what so and so is doing. And it’s happening everywhere. If you’re money and power is based off a group being pissed off and active then you will stop at nothing to keep them that way.


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YES!! I agree!! Hearing the A.I. voices, bad music, or seeing these really stupid dances (like where they are doing this hand-jive-ish thing while pointing to text overhead) REALLY bothers my brain. If I don’t turn it off right away i start to get anxiety from it.

Hate, hate HATE TIk TOK!

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Kefka pic further expresses my feelings towards tik tok
