Thoughts on vegetarians

i was thinking about this one day, what are vegetarians trying to achieve. eating shitty vegetables doesnt make you any healthier really, so why bother? someone once told me that the world would be a better place if everyone ate plants because no animals would be killed or abused for our selfish needs. this made me wonder, i guess the point would be to protect animals. then i thought, if no one ate meat, why would animals even be here? cows would be useless and no more would be bred because there would be no point, same thing with chickens turkeys and other such animals used only for meat. by this logic, if no one ate meat many animals would disapear altogether because they would be useless. unless of course, some wacko wants a cow for a pet or something. with the being said, eating meat is pro-animal, for every cow i eat another one is bred. if i didnt eat them, they wouldnt bred them. so as it seems to me, vegetarians are acheiving the exact opposite thing that they had intended to. add your thoughts to this rant, especially if you have a different point of view because as i see it, what would be the point of suffering the vegies when theres plently of babybackribs to go around?

In many ways I have a lot of respect for vegetarians - at least they’re trying to take an active interest in their health, which is better than 99% of people. It must be as hard for them to live their lifestyles as it is for bodybuilders, in terms of finding acceptable food on the road and putting up with people’s stupid questions - the same way bodybuilders put up with “why are you eating a can of fish?” type stuff.
But having said that I don’t agree that vegetarianism is the healthiest way to live and the high intake of carbs which is likely to result of following such a diet without meticulous planning would bust me out 5 belt notches.
I think it is also important to distinguish between educated vegetarians who attempt to ensure that they get a complete intake and the dumbasses who think that as long as they just eat plants they’ll be magically thin and beautiful.
As for cows and stuff dying out, I don’t like to say. But I have heard the point made that a lot of these animals have pretty short, nasty, violent- ending, disease- prone lives in the wild where they’re hunted by predators who aren’t compelled by government legislation to make their killings quick and humane.
Interestingly I heard that you have to feed 8 calories of vegetable matter to an animal to make 1 animal calorie. The consequence of that is that if everyone was a vegan, there would be no shortage of cheap food for the whole world’s population.

Personally I LOVE meat. But here are a few thoughts. I have a friend who has been a vegan for three years. During that time he has lost about thirty pounds, and I’m not talking about fat. He used to be pretty big but he’s down right skinny now. But at the same time a have a lot of respect for him. He puts up with a lot of crap about his diet, especially from his friends, but he never complains or pushes his views on us.

Also, while we are on the subject of cows. In India the cow is considered sacred. They never eat cows because it is worth more to them alive. It produces milk which they can drink or use for cheeses. Also, it’s manure can be used to fertilize crops.

And one final question. If eating animals is so wrong thenn why do they taste so good?

I joined P.E.T.A. “People Eating Tasty Animals”. Yesterday was a grill-fest at my house. Black Angus steaks for lunch, Bratwursts for dinner. MOO! -V2
People in India should eat their cows instead of worshipping them. Maybe they wouldn’t have a hunger population and be so skinny!

“If noone ate meat, why would animals even be here?” Nobody eats humans. Why are we here? I think that the world would probably live and prosper without our interference. Watch the matrix. The one agent guy had a lot to say about our destructive nature. As for vegetarians and their pro-life crap, vegetables are living organisms too.

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Indian word for “lousy hunter.” :slight_smile: But seriously. Have you guys ever heard of that theory of man adapting to his surroundings and thus some people need less animal protien and some less fruit and veggies due to their particular combination of hunting and gathering? There is a book on this somewhere. Everybody has to do what works for them. But you know what? Don’t tell me it works for you unless you are ripped, muscular and have great endurance, 'cause I will cramp up laughing at you.

What the fuck do elephants do in Africa? Are they alive solely because people eat them? (No.) Lots of animals would be extinct if humans didn’t watch out for them, and if society did not demand that we breed the fattest laziest cows, turkeys, etc. their genetics might have taken a different path and they might stand a chance in the wild (there still are turkeys in the wild anyway).

I might also add that your argument is completely circular, but, shit, that’s a common mistake, so don’t sweat it.

I don’t eat meat (gasp) and I lift weights and read T-Mag. Maybe I should post my Email address on here so most readers can send me hate mail given their disdain for those precribing to a diet different from their own. Anyway, not all vegetarians are trying to save the cows and turkeys. I’m just not down with the taste of meat, just like you’re probably not down with eating brussells sprouts with mustard (which I am fond of).

Shit, I’m just wandering now, but thought i would add something on the topic…

Sometimes I eat a vegetarian for lunch. Usually with a good chianti.
Haha, sorry, I just really disagree with the vegetarian philosophy. 'nuff said

I have been a vagitarian since I was 17 and I feel great.Oh shit, wait a minute y’all wrote vegetarian.Screw that, pass me another rare,bloody sirloin and get them damn sprouts away.

“Watch the matrix. The one agent guy had a lot to say about our destructive nature” you are too dumb to exist. you may be the dumbest person ever!! have some pride. much propps 2 u

“Interestingly I heard that you have to feed 8 calories of vegetable matter to an animal to make 1 animal calorie. The consequence of that is that if everyone was a vegan, there would be no shortage of cheap food for the whole world’s population.”

Actually, ruminant animals such as cows are SUPPOSED to be eating grass, which humans can’t consume, and which grows in areas very unsuitable for agriculture. Cows are fed grains to fatten them up more easily, even though they don’t naturally dig up corn. If you search for “grassfed beef” in a search engine, you should find some sites where you can order it online. In addition to it being better for the environment, the animals are raised and slaughtered in more humane conditions than factory farms.

There are many other important issues that our government should be addressing other than the humane treatment of livestock. How about education, defense, and the economy for starters. I couldn’t care less how humanely the cow I’m about to eat was killed, just so long as I don’t get any diseases from it. Animals are animals, and with the obvious exception of humans, they have no rights and should be treated as such.

I am amazed this comes up here. Everyone on this forum for any length of time knows that short of living on protein powder, you cannot stay healthy and gain muscle without consuming animal protien. I have explained this before at length, but here goes a short version: huumans have been raising crops and processing the resulting food for roughly 7000 years or so. The emergence of obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabeties are easily traced in the fossil record as beginning around this time. This info is no longer even debated in the scientific community. Prior to agriculture, we were hunters and getherers, eating a wide variety of plant and animal foods, but the majority of our calories came from meat. 7000 years is nowhere near enough time to allow for any evolutionary change. Our bodies are adapted to eat raw, fibrous roots and fruits, and MEAT. Why the hell do you think you can take any fatty and feed him/her lean meats and raw vegetables, as much as he/she wants, and step back and watch the fat fall off? We haven’t “discovered” something new here, just reverted to the diet our bodies were meant to process. Given the above info, is it any wonder that a “bodybuilding diet” results in more lean mass, less fat, and overall better health? Why is the T-Dawg diet so popular and effective? It most closely mimicks what your body needs to be healthy. As for PETA, and other groups – Do what you want, but when you try to force me to conform to your beliefs against my will, pack a lunch and bring a flashlight, because you’re gonna be hungry and it’s gonna be dark before you make any progress.

I was referring to the part in the movie were humans were described as a disease that moved from location to location and used up all natural resources. This is all true. Nobody here can contest this fact. So why is this dumb?

I’ve been pondering this for some time and wonder what you fellow T-men’s thoughts are. How do cows and other animals (good example - horses) get so muscular by just eating grass/grains while we have to eat meat/fish/protein powder?

“I was referring to the part in the movie were humans were described as a disease that moved from location to location and used up all natural resources. This is all true. Nobody here can contest this fact” I will contsest this “fact” if humans EVER used ALL the natural resources how are we stii alive? you are an idiot!!! you base your life on a DUMB MOVIE, that is right a stuppid dumb MOVIE!!! grow up!

“How do cows and other animals (good example - horses) get so muscular by just eating grass/grains while we have to eat meat/fish/protein powder?”

They’re strictly herbivores, so they can get away with it. They have a special stomachs, called ruminent “tanks” that converts the grass into protein or any other nutrient they need. Also keep in mind that they eat nearly ALL DAY…

Do vegetarian girls spit? If not are they truly vegetarians?

The human body cannot produce at least one form of protein we require. Horses and cows produce this protein naturally. Our system is designed to digest good quantities of meat and vegetable matter, as an omnivore is supposed to do. It is not specialized like a carnivore or true vegetarian animal.

I don’t think there is a problem with people deciding to live a vegetarian lifestyle. I am just annoyed by the political and militant groups who place animals above humans. Sorry, but I must place my species above others just because I am human. But I do believe animals should be treated better then they are. Veal is the only meat I do not eat because I disagree with the treatment of the animals.

There is this mistaken belief that if we stop eating meat that we won’t still kill animals. Everyone needs to remember all the cats and dogs owned by people. They are carnivores and cannot live a vegetarian diet, so to feed them we will still need an industry to kill animals. I also don’t see anyone trying to talk lions and cheetahs out of killing other species just to eat. If it is ok for them, I don’t see a problem for us. If it is a problem for anyone, they can offer the soyburgers to these wild animals themselves.

Why is it that most vegetarians are weirdos?

Hello to all!

IMO, I let the vegetarians alone as long as they don’t mess with me. The only problem I got is that the only vegetarians I met were pathetic feebles trying to endoctrine me. That’s were it hurts. Most vegetarians are fanatics. But the ones who are not, I respect them because they act according to their beliefs instead of talking all day long!