Thoughts on This Modification?

I’m currently following a westside-esque routine, with a ME upper day, ME lower day, and a RE day for upper and lower.

I have not done a DE day before, and would rather do so after talking to powerlifters than winging it and completely misinterpreting what I’m doing.

My progress is going great, but I have to leave the gym early sometime due to class (I lift at 11:15, get out at 12:15, class starts at 1. I lift at 11:15 b/c I have class from 8-11, and I take time to walk to my apartment, change, and get to the gym).

The current breakdown of this is
Monday- ME lower
Wednesday- ME upper
Friday- RE lower
Sat or Sun- RE upper

B/c I’m running out of time during the weekdays, I think I will add an “arm” day, or flat out “assistance” day, so I can focus all my time on the primary lifts for ME days. This seem like a good idea? The new breakdown would be:
Monday- ME lower
Wed- ME upper
Thursday- Assistance day (for upper body)
Friday- RE lower
Sunday- RE upper

If a detailed plan for what I’m doing is required, I will give it. Thanks!