Thoughts on Test Lowering Collagen Synthesis?


I’m getting ready for my first ever cycle. Yeah, I know, but hear me out.
I asked around and at first, test only seemed like a great idea, with plenty of reasons why that would be the case:
a. The less components a system/paradigm has, the less things can go wrong;
b. Easy exp - whatever effects or side effects there are during the cycle itself, you know exactly what to attribute them to. And chances are that if cycles are anything like tattoos, you don’t get to do just one;
c. Cheap as fuck - testosterone at least is dirt cheap around where I’m from.

That’s the logic anyway. However, bhopping my way to greatness through the internet, I kept seeing people advocating against testosterone only cycles because allegedly testosterone lowers collagen synthesis by up to like 80%.

Furthermore, part of the reason so many dudes advise to stack a whole bunch of drugs when doing a cycle instead of just going “test only” is because stuff like GH, deca, var, primo, EQ etc. do the exact opposite to collagen synthesis to balance out the mean ol’ test.

To be fair, I thought I was gonna have a hard time finding any actual scientific articles or peer reviewed journals on the subject whatsoever. However, it seems to me that first-page Google results suggest that there is either no correlation between testosterone and collagen synthesis, or if there is one, it’s negligble.

(inb4 sex steroids)

If the above is true, why would you not ever go test only for a first cycle? Unless you have some missing time complex and strive for instant gratification (save me the “why do roids then” lecture), why would you not take your time with a step at a time?

Peace bros.

p.s. PCT goes without saying.

everywhere I’ve ever seen has always advocated a test only first cycle. Not sure where you’re getting your info from.

Spot on mate, Test does not effect collagen synthesis.

[quote]kenny-mccormick wrote:
Spot on mate, Test does not effect collagen synthesis.


interesting… i had no idea that estrogen screwed up collagen synthesis so much. one more reason to use an AI, i guess!

I was hoping for more feedback than this, but I suppose you need very little validation when you’ve already made your mind up.


[quote]9680560Lundgren wrote:
I was hoping for more feedback than this, but I suppose you need very little validation when you’ve already made your mind up.


well, i don’t think you won’t see many people recommended more than the standard test only cycle for a lot of reasons…

-it works. 500 mg/wk (which equates to 350 mg actual test minus the ester) is literally 5 times higher than what a guy with super high test production would have. plenty of data has shown people gaining 10-20 lbs of LBM on test only cycles.

-side effects. pretty small. test is a normal hormone, and is quite predictable. if you gets sides on test, you’ll prolly get worse sides from nearly everything else…

-easy. injecting steroids is a big mental hurdle for a lot of guys. the simpler it is, the less traumatic it is, and the less likely they are to screw it up.