Thoughts on Planning PCT

Hi @cycobushmaster

That’s an interesting link. I’ve a question regarding leydig cells desensitization with hCG. How much leydig cell sensistization is to be expected with long term use of low dose hCG let’s say 250 iu eod along with regular TRT doses say 100mg/week? And consequently how it could be applicable for a high dose steroids user who’s interested in preserving his fertility as best as he can? Is 250 iu eod hCG use still applicable?
I remember of an old thread where dhickey was discussing hpta restart with KSman and said that 250 iu hCG eod is barely enough for him to maintain his testes. Findings of this study sort of agree with his statement.
Please share if you know of some human trials studying any kind of relationship between leydig cells and hCG which have application for low dose hCG use, I mean high dose hCG is known to produce such desensitization during short periods but what about low dose for long periods.
I really appreciate your thoughts on it.

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