Thoughts on Planning PCT

The effect of 250iu hCG EOD on the testes does not change with the amount of TRT or gear involved. The idea is to maintain normal testicular activity.

Doses of hCG and LH levels induced by a SERM should not stimulate LH receptors more than normal. If stimulation is high, when PCT ends, you do not want a transition from high LH receptor stimulation to a much lower stimulation from from whatever level of LH your pituitary can produce. If the signal is from high to low, you can expect your testes to do what? And you need to manage E2 after PCT to prevent rebound, cruise 0.25mg twice a week suggested.

High dose SERMs lead to a lot of T–>E2 inside the testes and serum E2 can be very high. And Arimidex/anastrozole can be very ineffective inside the testes, so your AI does not work. Your liver still sees the high E2 and then the liver increases SHBG, opposed by high T to some extent. T+SHBG increases.
E2 still interferes with T at T receptors. High E2 still affects the brain and you may be a mood bitch with some sexual performance issues.

40mg nolva is wrong, 20mg ED could also be too much. Only way to know is to test LH/FSH and also E2.