Thoughts on My Bloods?

It has many causes other than blood loss, actually. It can be related to Folate issues, B-12 issues, several chronic conditions and a nice long list of other things.
Habitually eating ice is an indicator of iron deficiency. You’ll notice anemic women eating ice if you look for it.

all the best for you brother.

Thnxxxx didn’t know that

So, yesterday i took my last tamox of a 4 week PCT (20mg ed) and to be honest i feel shitty like before. I habe absolutely no more energy, its like before my TRT. (Main reason why i quit trt was just panic about infertility and the hope that i dont need it for life)

Thinking about jumping back on.
Plan was to wait for 2 more weeks now and get bloods again. But is it waste of time? I dont think something will change to the better.

Wait 2 weeks and if you feel like shit get on TRT. When you’re ready to conceive you can start with hcg and if needed add hmg or the other fertility drugs. The only people that come to these forums are those that have had problems. Of those, you rarely see anyone post they were unable to conceive due to TRT. I say rarely because I’m guessing they exist but I’ve yet to see them. The worst you see is someone had to go off TRT for a period while trying to conceive.

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Thanks man, appointment is made. Some words from another person is all you need sometimes. I will keep you updated.

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Glad i have waited. Received my new labs today.

Testosterone 7,01 (2.49-8.36)
Estradiol 196 (41.4-159)
Estradiol AL 53.4 (11.3-43.2)

Blood was taken 3 weeks after stopping tamoxifen.

Happy that my T is back in range again, but what’s going on with my E?

And what will happen with the T if I am able to get E back in range.

Going to try to lower it with DIM and grapeseed extract, don’t want an AI yet.

Any estrogen related sides? Look at a SERM instead to protect from gyno.

Not really, I sweat a little more, that’s it. Usually I feel bloated and my nips are itchy. But nothing this time.
Tamoxifen is on hand, just in case. Would like to not take it again right now as it will not lower the E I guess.

My point is that you do not necessarily have to lower E2, just protect from gyno. E2 has a ton of positive benefits from erections to libido, bone density, etc.

Yeah, joints and back feels good right now.
But as I’m off from test, I worry that E is out of range.

Just received my missing free T from the lab.
It’s 13.3 and reference range ist 8-40.

So what does that mean? That I’m still having levels like a grandpa?

Pretty much. That is quite low. Most people do best towards the high end or even slightly over the reference range.

Ok guys, i got some news.

started my trt treatment again on Nov, 11. and got new bloods. (current protocoll SC 62,5mg / e3.5d Test-E )

Just received my bloods and worry a little. As far as i read, i need to donate blood to get my red cells down?
And about that estrogen. I would like to avoid AI’s, do you think IM injections might be better in that case? I read some are responding with high E on SC.

thanks for your help.

BLEU 3.9 - 10.2 G/l 9,14
BERY 4.30 - 5.75 T/l 5,78 (+)
HBGG 13.5 - 17.2 g/dl 17,6 (+)
HAET 0.40 - 0.51 l/l 0,52 (+)
HBE 27.0 - 33.5 pg/Ery 30
MCHC 31.5 - 36.0 g/dl 34
MCV 80 - 99 fl 90
TROM 150 - 370 G/l 277
TESTO 2.49 - 8.36 μg/l 7,6
EST2 41.4 - 159.0 pmol/l 174,0 (+)
EST2A 11.3 - 43.2 ng/l 47,4 (+)
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What do you guys think about arteries plaque on trt? Seen some studies lately that there might be a problem with it. Worrying about it cause my dad just received 5 heart bypasses and he said it’s in the family.

Here’s my latest blood.

Btw, the next week I gonna donate blood for hematocrit.

Your lipids look fine

Yeah, but what about longtime risks?

Short of invasive angiogram they do in emergency rooms. Do a plaque scoring coronary angiogram CTA. Only way to see plaque. Or else you just guessing

Of what? Plaque build up on TRT? I’d say if you keep the dose reasonable and your diet clean, meds if you need them, keep your lipids looking as they do and you’ll be in the same risk category as everyone else