Thoughts on John Grimek?

Dr. Darden —

I well imagine that you personally know very many top-class bodybuilders from over the years. How about John Grimek? I remember him from the York muscle mags. Did you ever meet him? If so, how big did he look in person?

Jesse Lee

I met Grimek several times and talked with him briefly. He was short and thick, but he walked gracefully in street clothes. I never saw him in his workout gear.

Thanks much for the reply.

I know that Jones wrote about him occasionally…

Looking at pictures of John Grimick, I get the feeling even if he had never worked out a day in his life, he would have been naturally muscular and thick. He just seemed to have those kind of genetics and natural build.

I know a ton of fellows who are very muscular and never touched a weight. My own brother is much more muscular than I am and he never exercises. He was just born with better genetics.

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He does indeed look like that.

Yea, kinda like not fair. :frowning:

Yea there’s guys like my brother who were pretty well built with out doing anything but chugging down a keg of beer and then there’s guys like me who eat all the right foods, do all the right exercises etc etc and in the end most people can’t even tell we workout , ha ha!
I think my brother could have easily built an 18 inch arm if he chose to but that didn’t interest him. Some have it and some don’t. I think there’s a whole bunch of guys on here like me who pretty much know we ain’t got what it takes to get big but we enjoy the chase so much we just can’t stop trying for those elusive big tmuscles!