Thoughts on Beach Vacation Cycle

Listen I know i need to use test. and I have used it before and im not against it at all by any means…But im gonna do a short harding cycle before I go on a beach vacation and yes it is an all oral cycle(which i normally would never do) but this is just to give me a solid look while on the beach was wanting some opinions on what ya’ll thought…

wks1-6-----------40mg anavar-40mg turniabol-50mg proviron daily
wks7&8----------50mg proviron daily



Tur and anav are typically used to buy slow, quality gains…soooo, yeah. Up above you used the statement “short, hardening cycle” and these compounds are more long term, if you will, compounds.

Why don’t you run some tren ace, prop, and winny with a low dose of T3. T3 will help with the thyroid supression that comes with tren, the winny will help with the prolactin/progesterone related sides of tren, and obviously the test will keep Mr. Winky at attention.

I don’t know if you’re dart averse, but this might be more up your alley…at least for what you’re trying to accomplish.

[quote]matttchew wrote:
Tur and anav are typically used to buy slow, quality gains…soooo, yeah. Up above you used the statement “short, hardening cycle” and these compounds are more long term, if you will, compounds. [/quote]

Please define long term. Keep in mind the effects that oral steroids have on liver values.

Care to explain some of the details behind this line of thought? Especially the thyroid suppression part and tren associated prolactin problems you’ve mentioned.

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:

Why don’t you run some tren ace, prop, and winny with a low dose of T3. T3 will help with the thyroid supression that comes with tren, the winny will help with the prolactin/progesterone related sides of tren, and obviously the test will keep Mr. Winky at attention.

Care to explain some of the details behind this line of thought? Especially the thyroid suppression part and tren associated prolactin problems you’ve mentioned.


agreed im paying attention

[quote]sholtstraining wrote:
But im gonna do a short harding cycle before I go on a beach vacation

This makes me bet your not within range of steroid use. Stats?




9.6%bf on 7 point electronic caliper test

50.9 new leaf v02max

umm if ur looking for strength i guess my 3 rep max on lifts that would show my strength would be

225lb push press-185lbs hang snatch-255lb front squat-185lbs overhead squat

Personal Trainer-Been lifting for 9 years-personal training for 6.
certs include nasm-cpt, nasm-ces, nasm-pes,nsca-pt. Currrently working on Poliquin PICP…Ive ran 2 cycles before that included eq,primo,test enathate,anavar,proviron,hcg…Currently doing alot of training with jump stretch bands just to try something new
im guessing thats what u want by stats…need anything else???

the idea here is just to harden up,as hard as possible,lose maybe 2%bf,strength gains or muscle gains would be nice,but are not needed

I would run the cycle longer and include test but my problem is my trip is in 8 weeks, and its an international trip and i dont wanna carry any gear internationally on a plane.or start a cycle and have a 2wk break in the middle.I have this stuff on hand so thought it might make a nice little stack to do the trick. I do have some hcg, i was thinking maybe the proviron would keep me from being shutdown,maybe i could take some hcg with it???would that help?? i am by no means an expert,but i am also far from noob when it comes to training…i appreciate ur thoughts and help.

Why would you think the proviron would help at all to keep you from shutting down?

Its time to go back to the drawing board. There are plenty of short cycles (4-6 weeks) that you can do and achieve far better results than what you have laid out.

And T3 is the last thing you need to look at at this stage in the game.

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
matttchew wrote:
Tur and anav are typically used to buy slow, quality gains…soooo, yeah. Up above you used the statement “short, hardening cycle” and these compounds are more long term, if you will, compounds.

Please define long term. Keep in mind the effects that oral steroids have on liver values.

Why don’t you run some tren ace, prop, and winny with a low dose of T3. T3 will help with the thyroid supression that comes with tren, the winny will help with the prolactin/progesterone related sides of tren, and obviously the test will keep Mr. Winky at attention.

Care to explain some of the details behind this line of thought? Especially the thyroid suppression part and tren associated prolactin problems you’ve mentioned.


Pris has mentioned winstrol is great at controlling progesterone (not prolactin, I think, but I’m still confused about the whole prolactin/progesterone issue as it is). It’s interesting to hear someone else corroborate this assertion.

If you want to use test, but didn’t include it because of the time factor, I’m pretty sure 6 weeks of Prop with a frontload would work well. Throw in anavar and you’ve got a good basic cycle. Turinabol too, if you want. I think the test would make it much more worth the while.

What about PCT?

If your vacation is in 8 weeks and you want to do a cycle before going; maybe an 8 week test enanthate frontloaded cycle with oral of your choice is a better option. The longer ester would allow blood level to stay sufficiantly high for the two weeks you are away and you can start a nolva 40/40/20/20 PCT on your return.