Things That Piss You Off

I agree. There are three conversations to me:

  1. I need help to talk through something
  2. I just want to carry a conversation, via text.
  3. Making quick plans, quick question, etc.

I will not do #2. #1 I will call them. My wife really loves #2. I tolerate it for her, but if work is stressful or hard and she asks me about about scheduling lawn people or asks me to do things, I will put a quick end to it. I do not want to be asked to do things, via text while I’m working.

Water line bursts because excavator doesn’t have a spotter in the trench. Water line is an asbestos line. About to make a call -text from wife “did you call the insurance about our dr bill?”- << this infuriates me more than anything!

Really? I find this a pretty good use of text.

It reminds me if Ive forgotten.
It low noise to signal (there isn’t a greeting and niceties to get the point across)
I can grizzle at another useless task without consequence.

It’s all win.

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Nah, that question will get buried by 20 more texts before I can do anything. Add a reminder to our shared reminders list.

I often turn all text notifications off. No badges, no vibrate, no banner. I’ll read through the messages on my computer, when I get to it.

I’ve seen there’s a basic difference between people’s texting styles, and it divides along lines of those who’ll enjoyably carry conversations versus those who won’t. Trying to have a text conversation with the non-converseant types always leaves me feeling rubbed a bit wrong, so I’ve learned to not get into text conversations with those peeps. I imagine they prefer it that way, too. Lol

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How do you handle (if you have any) friends who say “yeah, just not my thing” about text conversations?

I have friends who can bang out 4 responses* in the time I’m writing “I have to run” and then everything is out of place and shitty and I have typos and autocorrect bullshit and I hate it. I hate having to go back and grab the asterisk to do a “*shit, not shift” and I hate leaving the wrong word to stand. I just hate it, unless used very purposefully. Husband texting “remind me to whatever” is fine. A quick back-and-forth “hey, how’s it going, haven’t see you” that leads to a plan, good. Even a “feeling any better?” that leads to a 6 text exchange is good.

*I suspect these are my friends who like this as a preferred communication.

The stresses of 1st world living ay…


When you have to take time off and on first day back being able to exercise and you wake up and see it’s 5:30 and can’t go until 9:30…and haven’t weighed self in two weeks so hope I’m ok…along with anger management I’m working on patience…damn I don’t know who I am anymore. Just chilling gonna catch up on some posts…I’ve just be checking in and out…and omg now that I’ve been on Xanax for a month it’s like wow…I wish my drs would have tranquilized me a long time ago…

I much prefer an actual call. The offending parties are the ones who want to text, it Is their preferred method.
Maybe that’s why it pisses me off. I learned to text for them. It takes two seconds to say what you need to with a call. It takes 10 minutes to type it all out.
Empty words with no emotion, no feeling for what mood the other person is in.

I’m sure this has more to do with me missing my bff than the form of communication. He hated texting. He set the bar high as far as friendship goes.

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I’m not CL, but this happens with me and my texting-conversation friends - two or three simultaneous conversations will sometimes get jumbled. For me and the three people I text with like that, the multi-linearality adds to the enjoyment; deductice reasoning takes the form of deductive reading, with the occasional query for clarification.

True story! I read about it once. Because I wrote it.

I’m not a text chatter either. It’s slow and boring and is meant only to convey information. I sign off with a wordless ‘thumbs up’ emoji to indicate I received the last message/piece of information and the conversation is at an end.

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I associate the thumbs up conversation-ender with my daughter. She uses it when she’s irritated with me. I read it as a mild variant of “fuck you.”

I use :+1: all the time as a conversation-ender…


Haha coincidentally I just had a friend use it after I said “okay, sounds good” about plans.

Fuck off! All of you!


I avoid this issue by replying with a whale :whale2:

I also like to send random, unsolicited texts with just a whale :whale2:


Sometimes my wife will text me at work when I just don’t quite have time, I’ll give the thumbs up thing a shot. If that goes over poorly (as I’ll likely just be thumbs upping her complaining about something) I’ll try the whale, and keep you posted.



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Just had a brief text conversation with my wife. Instead of signing off with my usual :+1:, I employed an @strongmangoals -like :whale:. She responded with a :question:.

If I stop posting, you’ll know my explanation didn’t sit well with her.