Things That Piss You Off

You ain’t lying. The worst were ping pong tables for us. All those dumbasses would come in, say they had a big enough vehicle, pay for it and pull up in a 350z. The craziest request was if we could possibly strap a roughly 400 pound safe to the roof of a corolla. Couldn’t make this shit up if I tried. It was the worst, yet funniest job I ever worked.

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On the other side of it, nothing could have made a worse day than when the guy at the gas distributor watched me shove 6 large bottles of nitrogen gas into the back of my Saturn.

He started with “That is completely illegal…” then just kept pacing around on the dock and literally pulling his hair saying “you can’t fucking do that. oh my god, no.If I had known you were going to do that…”.


That’s absolutely amazing. Hahaha

Recently, I’ve been power-watching a series on Netflix. I watched part of an episode in the den, then moved to the TV in the bedroom.

I started the episode up, and it wasn’t queued up where I stopped.

The fucking horror.


Haha Remember when people would deny ever watching TV and sometimes deny the existence of a TV in their homes?

I love how Netflix and co have made it kosher to admit to watching for hours on end!

I’ll do you one better. I’ve been rewarding myself for 30 min of waking fasted cardio at 4am with 15 min of gaming before I hop in the shower.

Went to save my game and had too many save files. Had to manually go through and delete some. How inconvenient.

I neatly stack my plates so each size of plate has its own stack. Little plates, bowls, large bowls, big plates, etc.

My better half always puts all plates in one stack, all bowls in another in an effort to save space we don’t use.

If she has put the plates away and I need to get a big plate, I need to move the small plates first.


How do you stop at 15 min. My 15 min turns into 2 hours.


That’s why I play in the mornings before work. If I don’t show up to work: no money leads to no house, no wife etc… pretty good incentive.

Killing bad guys before work is therapeutic in a way.

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I was confronted by my wife last night, because she received a call from her mom… apparently, I didn’t write HBD on her wall for her birthday. “Over 200 people wrote on my wall… but one of my sons in law didn’t” FFS, I don’t go on FB and don’t even write on my wife’s wall.


I find taking a birthday seriously past the age of 21 pretty goofy. I can’t cope with folks that get spun up about it as adults.

Same with Christmas. I don’t need presents. I’m an adult with a job. I can buy my own presents.


That’s reason 5247 not to have a FB account.


You should say “Wow, that guy sounds like a real asshole, I’m sorry to hear that.”

Agreed. I can’t really talk because I’m 20, but once you’re out of high school and your friends aren’t around for your birthday, it feels pretty insignificant. Thank God for another year on this earth and move on.

Also, @dchris what in the fuck is your mother in law doing with so many friends on facebook? I have like 800 friends (because more friends = higher social status when you’re 13) and maybe 6 people wished me a happy birthday. 200+ is stupid. Then again, maybe she’s more likable than I am. Who knows

She has a social media consulting business… This shit is her life.

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Oh. Okay. I don’t feel as bad now

Not sure if this was covered, but voice inflection people, where they pronounce the ending of every sentence like it’s a question. It almost seems like people are doing this intentionally now as a way to sound extra pretentious sometimes. Very few things drop my impression of people faster than this, I don’t care if they were explaining how nuclear reactors work to me, I’d still assume they’re a moron.

For the social media consulting business topic, anyone ever watch Black Mirror? Sounds like the “Downward Spiral” episode…


This times a million… assuming everyone spends an equal amount on everyone else, everyone gets x dollars worth of ill-advised stuff that other people guessed on that they don’t really want/need, at the price of spending x dollars on the same problem.

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I’m in the ridiculous situation where I buy stuff I want then I have to agree to it being my whatever present.

As a firey and angry young man, this arrangement would have resulted in a robust discussion. As an older, more considered gentleman, I see there no win out of having this argument.

The joys of “adult” relstionships haha


Yeah, I still don’t understand it. All the money goes into one account, but it’s different money somehow.

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Don’t get me started.

So… My wife and I are fairly well off. We’ve made financially difficult decisions and held off on kids so that we could achieve a specific lifestyle… Her siblings haven’t made such decisions… and Christmas for them is when they finally get the things in life they want… albeit, from us. While I get socks from them. So my Christmas bonus I have worked for all year buys my sister in-law a nice TV or something and not a new Rogue Bar.