Things That Piss You Off

I never could use the baby pouches. I run hot and am prone to sweating and my boys were both hot-blooded Pollacks as well. They would just turn red and get angry lmao.

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When people enter BS data into MFP:

When I’m driving and listening to a song that has a police siren in the background, and I legit think it’s the damn cops. Instant panic for a few seconds.


People like this piss me off.

Curious why this log bothers you so much? I’ve read it a bit but can’t follow it. I like more numbers and less verbiage but it seems to have angered a couple of people.

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I get this when a radio ad has a loud ‘bing’ noise. More than once I’ve thought it was my check engine light or something similar coming on. Having had recent problems with my alternator anything that sounds like an engine light coming on stresses me out.


Nothing against Duke, he seems like a good kid, but I think he’s just too young/immature to get it.



You’re probably right. The older I get, the less I deliberately expose myself to stuff that gets up my crack.

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Eh, probably just me then. Just a few things in there that come off as stuck up etc .

Don’t see it. Just a lady trying to log her workouts and asking for a bit of advice. Doing what 99% of the population don’t. She should be applauded, not called out.


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I have a really limited place to workout, which is one of the reasons I do so many loaded carries. It gets me away from people and I dont have to see some state department geek walking on a treadmill wearing lifting gloves or doing tricep kickbacks with a tiny little band. Anyway, twice a week I have to do deadlifts, so, it forces me inside, since the “crossfit area” was stripped of its bars because the weather was “rusting them”. Jesus Christ, only DoS could come up with that.

Anyway, that little area is a total fucking mess, everytime I walk in, plates scattered on the floor, kettlebells laying everywhere, dumbbells laying under the benches or mismatched in the rack. Who the hell raised these people? What the hell does their personal living space look like? and these are “professionals”? Anyone not racking their weights after use is just a fucking pig.



This is something that is caused by my own laziness, however I still piss myself off when I do it:

Forgetting my shaker bottle in my car, which gets hella hot in this weather, knowing good and well that’s my only shaker bottle, so fast forward to 3 days later I go to get it, and open it to rinse it out and it smells like hatred and decay mixed together, and no amount of soap or hot water can get rid of the smell, so I have to power through that lingering smell with watering eyes.


LOL I send those to shaker heaven.

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I hate brushing my tongue. I have to force myself to do it and gag like a bitch. Idk about you folks, but when I gag it makes me have to puke for about 5 minutes and I have to spend those 5 minutes standing in one spot closing my eyes trying to hold back throwing up.

Every. Single. Morning.

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Same… and if I do happen to throw up a bit… the process starts over again.

Working your ass off to get past DYEL territory, and then not being able to show it off at events (like a wedding) due to shitty fitting clothing haha that really grinds my gears.

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WHen people put EVERYTHING in the fridge.

Unopened ketchup?

My mother in law keeps bread flour in the freezer! Surely that isn’t normal?!?

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Ha I have a 2 day rule now, if its been left for 2 days or less, I’ll risk opening it and try to save it. More than 2 days and it goes to shaker heaven.

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