Things That Piss You Off

Yes, it’s very normal and healthy to struggle with the kinds of issues you’re experiencing. I wouldn’t worry. You should be just fine as long as you avoid lifting anything over 10 pounds.

Saw this while skimming and couldn’t agree more. I have a child who is mildly autistic and that word pisses me off something fierce even when it’s used towards someone other than him.

Then there’s a guy I know who used to say, “You freak” if someone did something stupid. Hyperbole like that pisses me off too. It’s degrading whether intended to be or not, especially to those of us with kids who are “differently blessed.”

  1. Politics while watching sports or really any show that is not related to politics. The main offenders are liberals (see generally ESPN), but Trumpaphillics do this, as well and it’s equally stupid. The reason I watch sports is because I like sports. I don’t care about some dumb asses political views.

  2. Politicians who talk all tough, but when it comes down to actually voting, cower in fear. Fucking stand for something. I don’t care what it is. Be an honest liberal or honest conservative or honest moderate. Just stop pretending to be something you are not to get elected.

  3. Cultural equivalency. Some cultures suck and should not be respected.


People who join or vote for political parties that actively oppose their interests. Gay republicans. Working class tories. Pakistanis in the BNP. What the fuck are they thinking?

People who know what is best for “oppressed” groups and treat them as a monolith. They get mad when members of the oppressed group go off the plantation and “vote against their interest”.

God forbid a gay guy wants fiscal responsibility or a woman wants a strong national defense. Perhaps some members of these groups are tired of being pandered to and taken for granted.

What are they thinking?




Four legs good. Two legs better!

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Ah, I see what you’re saying- gay republicans don’t care about the working class, working class tories don’t care about the gays and both groups are displaying the same selfishness that’s common to all right wing thought. It still doesn’t explain the pakistanis in the BNP and UKIP, since the entire purpose of both parties is to spread racist ideology, but I guess some things just defy explanation.

Yep. That’s it. Only the left cares about people. Your ideology is the only moral acceptable choice. You got it.


OK, time to climb down and admit I’m being a dickhead. Obviously the issues are more complicated and vastly more subtle than I’ve been making out.
I still don’t see why a pakistani would voluntarily join the BNP though.

Uncle Les is the Devil. Somehow everyone in the UK now is buying into their bullshit, waste of time and quite frankly dangerous ‘backed by science’ made up bollocks. Les Mills can get in the fucking sea.

When people try to derail semi-serious thread with their political bullshit and over simplified generalizations and identity politics. There’s a place for that shit and this ain’t it…


@polo77j - dunno why, he just pisses me off to no end. damn him~

I live in LA so, traffic. Also mosquitoes.

I live in Maine, so people from out-of-state who don’t know how to drive piss me off.

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Political spewing in Off Topic.

People who don’t get out of the way of the Fire Truck or Ambulance. Move to the right people, to the right.


For real - dude pisses me off to no end

So, in-state people from out of state don’t piss you off? I need to make my way up to Acadia NP …

I still think a girl-on-girl orgy in a textile factory would be a lot more fun.

No that would describe me.

Its mostly Massholes that piss me off, to be honest. Let me tell you about these people. They come here, showing off all of their big city dollars, mostly by spending them while they’re here, and they sound like jerks when they talk.

Just yesterday I was behind a Yaris with Mass plates who hit the brakes and stopped three different times on his way to the red light that was 50 feet in front of us. I hammered my gas-hog pickup right past him as soon as I could and what was he doing?

Eating a slice of pizza! That’s a Masshole for ya!

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