Things That Piss Me Off

I think in number one, you’re actually talking about curls. The guy on the bench is the spotter while the guy standing is curling.

I agree with you Goldberg. It’s easy to say don’t worry about what others are doing and what they’re lifting in the gym, but some people can be downright unsafe and annoying. Many can be very ignorant and unsafe, and if you don’t pay attention you can be injured, injure someone else, or get an injury do to someone’s else’s neglience.
Many gyms are laid out in an unsafe way, newbies don’t have any gym ettiquette, and cell phone calls are totally unnecessary in the gym. They have voice mail for God’s sake.
I can go on for awhile on someone’s stupidity got them hurt, almost me hurt, or worse. I know ofr a few bad cases where some good gym owners were sued by dumbasses after the dopey member did something stupid. If I didn’t have my own gym in my office and I had to deal with a cell phone moron, the offender would need a proctologist. Study hard Goldberg, make money and buy you’re own stuff. That way you don’t have to deal with the dolts. Maybe there should be some probationary period were a membership could be revoked for three dumbass moves as listed above until a person can do 225 for 20, 115 for the gals. Yeah that’ll only happen in the back of my office in my place. Keep the faith Goldberg.

you all are right. i reread my post several times and i sounded like a complete asshole. i dont normally care what other people are doing. it was just at this moment i had lost it and couldnt take anymore. i apologize for sounding like such an asshole.