Things That Make You Uncomfortable

Most recent thing to make me uncomfortable: Catching a gal taking an awkward, mildly revealing gym selfie as I was working with a client (mildly revealing in that the angle was down shirt, kinda obviously). This is a gal who has been known to not respect the sanctity of marriage (hers or others) and who used to work for me and quit/got fired for making up some stupid sexual related shit about my boss at the time. The whole situation was extremely uncomfortable and I quickly evacuated the area.

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How far apart are her eyebrows? You’ve got a crazy attention seeker on your hands. Tread carefully.


That’s exactly what it was and is. As far as eyebrows, I try to avoid direct eye contact and interactions at all costs, I assume it’s like Medusa, if I make eye contact I’ll be caught in a sexual misconduct lawsuit.

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nothin. I relish uncomfortable situations

Holy shit balls, my wife got a call from a family mediation law firm in SC (where I was stationed) trying to serve me papers… They had the wrong person, which I knew, but still… My heart about stopped.


Where in SC? I was out of Shaw in Sumter

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MCAS Beaufort.

Sounds familiar … that’s on the coast iirc … I was inland near Columbia - made some trips to Myrtle and Charleston here and there … I miss SC - except in July and August

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Ya, it’s about 45 minutes south of Charleston and about 40 minutes north of Savannah, GA.

Did ya’ll have the damn sand fleas? Fuck those guys.

Ah yes … I’ve stayed a couple nights on Hilton Head with an ex-gf … nice area

only when we took trips to Myrtle … we did have those gigantic palmeto bugs (flying cock-roaches for y’all unaware) which were utterly disgusting.

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Ya… Funny story, when we moved into base housing we had an infestation. We’re moving our stuff in, cleaning the kitchen, see one, then five, then fifty… I’m running around pissed as fuck with the vacuum sucking them up five at a time. Disgusting. We ended up bombing the place two or three times and by the time I left it was “palmetto bug” free.

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I was single in the dorms. They were a way of life from all the dirty motherfuckers that lived around me - no matter what I did - how clean I was - always dirty motherfuckers running around.

I could minimize them, but no eradicating them. I had a dirty ass suite mate (we shared a kitchen and a bathroom) who would cook beef stew on the stove and leave it until maggots formed. He was a gross little man. We both got called in the first sergeants office about the dirty ass kitchen to which I replied “How’d the bathroom look?” “Good” “Because I cleaned it - he uses the kitchen and i’m not cleaning up after a grown ass man” He got a reprimand and after they told me I was free to go.

Dirty motherfucker.


When you are a small town fireworks show and a local band is playing all the songs YOU know, but HE doesn’t know. The fourth time he missed a line in The Joker (Steve Miller Band) I sang very loudly, across the park…
“I get my lovin on the run”!
Seriously this was excruciating for me. He did not sing one song all the way through, not one!



This doesn’t make me uncomfortable per se, but it’s odd and I want other, independent takes on this:

So there’s this woman in my life who tells her kids (<= 9) that Santa doesn’t go to their house because he only goes to poor peoples’ houses. This woman is by no means what one would consider wealthy nor poor - she’s squarely middle class, I think by definition of median house hold income.

Has anyone else ever heard of anyone telling their kids something like this and what do y’all make of it?

Nutjob! That way her kids will feel superior because she is too lazy to make an effort.
Other kid: look what Santa brought me!
Her kid: Oh I’m so sorry you are poor!
UGH! Kids have no filter.


The thing is our kids will be be close/grow up together. For perspective, my wife and I have a higher hhi than her and her husband. I’m really interested to see how this plays out over the next 5 years or so…

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I’m just glad to hear she has no more than 9 kids.


That’s age smart guy

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