Things That Make You Chuckle

The whole point of plastic silverware is to not have to wash it.

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You leave us white trash poor folk alone and move along now ya hear

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I feel so much less alone now.


Problem solved

Are you insinuating we donā€™t have real silverware and plates?

Iā€™m honestly triggered right now. People these days :roll_eyes:

I grew up poor white trash, but I canā€™t figure out the purpose of washing plastic silverware.

I have those too.

I also got a couple of the fancy rainbow swirled metal ones.

Any of you got kids? I have 5 and our silverware disappears constantly. I probably buy forks and spoons three times a year.

Edit: They arenā€™t allowed to eat in their rooms.

Iā€™ve got 2 and been through a divorce and long relationship break up/move out. Iā€™ve literally owned everything on this planet and lost it all, twice :joy:

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EXACTLY. Which is the joy of it. After I finish my lunch at work I make a decision: put it in my tupperware container or toss it in the trash? It offers utter freedom. Do I want to keep it? Maybe, maybe not!

I have four kids, grown now, and some of my greatest happinesses are eating in the living room while watching gratuitous sex and violence and throwing away whatever I want to. I have heavy stainless silverware, too, and if I want to, Iā€™ll just throw THAT away! In fact, I have my motherā€™s actual silverā€¦and itā€™s rotting in the basement while I use plastic!

So go ahead and judge while I eat my dinner and then light my plate on fire. FOR FUN.


The amazing increase in emails I get between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sending multiple emails a day advertising the same stuff makes me want to shop less on your siteā€¦.

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The climate must be very different, but Buckfield, Maine looks a LOT like Vancleave, Mississippi!


ā€œI met Marie about two years ago and when we started dating, I led her to believe I was a wine merchant,ā€ he told SWNS. "It sounded sexier than saying I was building a model railway, which usually sends women running. She came down to the cellar one day and said: ā€˜Whereā€™s all the wine?ā€™ I told her the truth and she was like ā€˜OK.ā€™ But she has an art degree so she appreciated the level of detail and work that went into it. Weā€™re now engaged.

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Over 40 Camels Disqualified From Beauty Contest in Saudi Arabia For Receiving Botox Injections (

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ā€œEach year, camel breeders are invited to compete at the festival for $66 million in prize money, the report statesā€

Holy crap

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There is nothing about this news story that hasnā€™t surprised me for reasons that shouldnā€™t be surprising :joy:

Iā€™m bout to go breed me a camel

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ā€œThe world is your bathroomā€!


What ā€¦ is thisā€¦

LOL! If only it was for real. I had to do some research. Honestly, it is actually a prank gift wrap box. I myself wonder where it originates from? Another more serious question is whether there is a portable version for ā€œno 2ā€?

Iā€™ve worked in Saudi Arabia and met rich people who own camels that compete in beauty contests. The whole pageantry is creepy as fuck and Iā€™m 99% certain that at least some of those camels are sexually abused.

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